学习了 AI 有可能赚钱,但不能保证每个人都能成功。在人工智能领域,存在许多高薪工作,像数据科学家、机器学习工程师等,掌握 AI 技术有机会在这些岗位就业并获取可观收入。而且,AI 技术在金融、医疗、制造业等众多行业均有应用,具备 AI 技能能增加就业机会和促进职业发展。然而,能否赚钱还受多种因素影响,例如个人的学习能力、实际应用能力以及对市场和商业的理解等。仅掌握基础知识可能难以在竞争激烈的市场中胜出,需要持续学习和实践。
同时,随着 AI 变得更强大,创新者探索出更多新的应用方式,其具有巨大的潜力推动经济增长和创造工作岗位,能帮助提高劳动力效率和工作场所安全性,支持人们完成现有的工作。
但要注意,行业曾警告,如果监管不协调,可能导致大量小型企业离开市场,抑制创新和竞争。对于规模较小的企业和初创企业,确保监管负担不过重至关重要,因为它们在 AI 创新生态系统中扮演着重要角色,是经济增长和创造就业的引擎。
extraordinary potential to transform our society andeconomy.22It could have as much impact aselectricity or the internet,and has been identified as one of five critical technologies in the UKScience and TechnologyFramework.23As AI becomes more powerful,and as innovatorsexplore new ways to use it,we will see more applications of AI emerge.As a result,AI has ahuge potential to drivegrowth24and createjobs.25It will support people to carry out their existingjobs,by helping to improve workforce efficiency and workplacesafety.26To remain worldleaders in AI,attract global talent and create high-skilled jobs in the UK,we must create aregulatory environment where such innovation can thrive.
causing a disproportionate amount of smaller businesses to leave the market.If regulators arenot proportionate and aligned in their regulation of AI,businesses may have to spend excessivetime and money complying with complex rules instead of creating new technologies.Smallbusinesses and start-ups often do not have the resources to doboth.61With the vast majority ofdigital technology businesses employing under 50people,62it is important to ensure thatregulatory burdens do not fall disproportionately on smaller companies,which play an essentialrole in the AI innovation ecosystem and act as engines for economic growth and jobcreation.63