AI 能为内审工作提供以下帮助:
AI Review is a feature that allows you to review your recent changes in your codebase to catch any potential bugs.AI Review是一项功能,可让您查看代码库中的最近更改以捕获任何潜在的错误。You can click into individual review items to see the full context in the editor,and chat with the AI to get more information.您可以单击各个审阅项以查看编辑器中的完整上下文,并与AI聊天以获取详细信息。[heading3][heading3]Custom Review Instructions自定义审核说明[content]In order for AI Review to work in your favor,you can provide custom instructions for the AI to focus on.For example,if you want the AI to focus on performance-related issues,you could put:为了让AI Review对您有利,您可以为AI提供自定义说明以专注于。例如,如果您希望AI专注于与性能相关的问题,您可以输入:This way,AI Review will focus on the performance of your code when scanning through your changes.这样,AI Review在扫描更改时将专注于代码的性能。[heading3][heading3]Review Options查看选项[content]Currently,you have a several options to choose from to review:目前,您有几个选项可供选择进行审核:Review Working State查看工作状态This will review your uncommitted changes.这将查看您未提交的更改。Review Diff with Main Branch查看Diff with Main BranchThis will review the diff between your current working state and the main branch.这将查看当前工作状态与main分支之间的差异。Review Last Commit查看上次提交This will review the last commit you made.这将审查您所做的最后一次提交。
1.31.Regulation can increase innovation by giving businesses the incentive to solve important problems while addressing the risk of harm to citizens.For example,product safety legislation has increased innovation towards safer products and services.68 In the case of AI,a contextbased,proportionate approach to regulation will help strengthen public trust and increase AI adoption.692.32.The National AI Strategy set out our aim to regulate AI effectively and support innovation.70 In line with the principles set out in the Plan for Digital Regulation,71 our approach to AI regulation will be proportionate;balancing real risks against the opportunities and benefits that AI can generate.We will maintain an effective balance as we implement the framework by focusing on the context and outcomes of AI.3.33.Our policy paper proposed a pro-innovation framework designed to give consumers the confidence to use AI products and services,and provide businesses the clarity they need to invest in AI and innovate responsibly.72 This approach was broadly welcomed–particularly by industry.Based on feedback,we have distilled our aims into three objectives that our framework is designed to achieve:o Drive growth and prosperity by making responsible innovation easier and reducing regulatory uncertainty.This will encourage investment in AI and support its adoption throughout the economy,creating jobs and helping us to do them more efficiently.To achieve this objective we must act quickly to remove existing barriers to innovation and prevent the emergence of new ones.This will allow AI companies to capitalise on early development successes and achieve long term market advantage.73 By acting now,we can give UK innovators a headstart in the global race to convert the potential of AI into long term advantages for the UK,maximising the economic and social value of these technologies and strengthening our current position as a world leader in AI.7468 The impact of regulation on innovation,Nesta,2012.
高效筛查:一个生成式AI模型可以迅速将任何个体在不同系统中的关键信息汇总并呈现给合规官员,使合规官员能更快地得出交易是否存在问题的答案。更准确地预测洗钱者:现在想象一个模型,它是根据过去10年的可疑活动报告(SARs)进行训练的。无需明确告诉模型洗钱者是什么,AI可以用来检测报告中的新模式,并创建其自己对洗钱者构成的定义。更快的文档分析:合规部门负责确保公司的内部政策和程序得到遵守,并且遵循监管要求。生成式AI可以分析大量的文档,如合同、报告和电子邮件,并标记需要进一步调查的潜在问题或关注区域。培训和教育:生成式AI可以用于开发培训材料,并模拟真实世界的场景,以教育合规官员关于最佳实践以及如何识别潜在风险和不合规行为。新进入者可以使用来自数十个机构的公开可用合规数据进行自我启动,并使搜索和综合变得更快、更便捷。较大的公司从多年收集的数据中受益,但他们需要设计适当的隐私功能。合规长期以来一直被视为一个由过时技术支持的不断增长的成本中心。生成式AI将改变这一点。—Angela Strange和Joe Schmidt