在安防行业应用好 AI 可以从以下几个方面考虑:
此外,在管理方面,要善于为 AI 应用提供明确的沟通和上下文,明晰其能力边界,合理授权并监督检查,擅长任务拆解和整合以提升协作效率。同时,医保严禁 AI 自动开处方,而在其他领域如 Coinbase 全面推动 AI 应用,提高了效率并广泛应用于多个方面。
1.60.In some sectors,principles for AI governance will already exist and may even go further than the cross-cutting principles we propose.Our framework gives sectors the ability to develop and apply more specific principles to suit their own domains,where government or regulators identify these are needed.2.61.The Ministry of Defence published its own AI ethical principles and policy in June 2022,which determines HM Government’s approach regarding AI-enabled military capabilities.We will ensure appropriate coherence and alignment in the application of this policy through a context specific approach and thereby promote UK leadership in the employment of AI for defence purposes.Ahead of introducing any statutory duty to have due regard to our principles,and in advance of introducing other material iterations of the framework,we will consider whether exemptions are needed to allow existing regulators(such as those working in areas like national security)to continue their domain-level approach.3.62.Not all principles will be equally relevant in all contexts and sometimes two or more principles may come into conflict.For example,it may be difficult to assess the fairness of an algorithm’s outputs without access to sensitive personal data about the subjects of the processing.Regulators will need to use their expertise and judgement to prioritise and apply the principles in such cases,sharing information where possible with government and other regulators about how they are assessing the relevance of each principle.This collaboration between regulators and government will allow the framework to be adapted to ensure it is practical,coherent and supporting innovation.4.63.In implementing the new regulatory framework we expect that regulators will:o Assess the cross-cutting principles and apply them to AI use cases that fall within their remit.o Issue relevant guidance on how the principles interact with existing legislation to support industry to apply the principles.Such guidance should also explain and illustrate what compliance looks like.
🫧宝玉日报「2月23日」✨✨✨✨✨✨✨1⃣️🧑💻管理经验加持AI应用:沟通明确,善于提供上下文,让AI更有效地执行任务。明晰AI能力边界,善于合理授权并监督检查。擅长任务拆解和整合,提升AI协作效率。🔗[https://x.com/dotey/status/1893538744671641649](https://x.com/dotey/status/1893538744671641649)2⃣️⚠️医保严禁AI自动开处方:DeepSeek、Grok等AI工具看病仅需几十秒,引发关注。湖南省医保局正式表态,明确禁止使用人工智能生成医疗处方。🔗[https://x.com/dotey/status/1893533370535051528](https://x.com/dotey/status/1893533370535051528)3⃣️🚀Coinbase全面推动AI应用:所有工程师均使用Cursor AI工具进行编程,显著提高效率。AI技术广泛应用于欺诈预防、客户支持、风险评分、设计等领域。下一步将实现从Jira或Linear工单到PR代码的AI自动生成,助力需求自动化落地。🔗微信全文:[https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dXodWGaPQgcOoMqwi7U_lQ](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/dXodWGaPQgcOoMqwi7U_lQ)🔗[https://x.com/dotey/status/1893071537835557363](https://x.com/dotey/status/1893071537835557363)