以下是为您提供的关于 AI 可行性评估报告的相关内容:
一、关于 AI 责任和新技术的提案
二、AI 相关的其他内容
三、关于 AI 的创新方法
The proposal builds on 4 years of analysis and close involvement of stakeholders,including academics,businesses,consumer associations,Member States and citizens.The preparatory work started in 2018 with the setting up of the Expert Group on Liability and New Technologies(New Technologies Formation).The Expert Group produced a Report in November 201925 that assessed the challenges some characteristics of AI pose to national civil liability rules.The input from the Expert Group report was complemented by three additional external studies:–a comparative law study based on a comparative legal analysis of European tort laws focused on key AI-related issues26;–a behavioural economics study on the impacts of targeted adaptations of the liability regime on consumers’decision making,in particular their trust and willingness to take up AI-enabled products and services27;–an economic study28 covering a number of issues:the challenges faced by victims of AI applications compared to victims of non-AI devices when trying to obtain compensation for their loss;whether and to what extent businesses are uncertain about the application of current liability rules to their operations involving AI,and whether the impact of legal uncertainty can hamper investment in AI;whether further fragmentation of national liability laws would reduce the effectiveness of the internal market for AI applications and services,and whether and to what extent harmonising certain aspects of national civil liability via EU legislation would reduce these problems and facilitate the overall uptake of AI technology by EU companies.25 Liability for artificial intelligence and other emerging digital technologies,November 2019,https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/1c5e30be-1197-11ea-8c1f01aa75ed71a1/language-en
🫧宝玉日报「1月15日」✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨1⃣️💡让Claude 3.5摆脱循环的提示技巧:“退后一步”提示词:在模型陷入重复或逻辑僵局时,建议使用提示词让其先进行多步、多角度思考,输出十段左右分析,再转化为代码实现。优势:避免错误方向的持续生成,促使模型输出新的思考过程。注意点:如果模型输出内容已过于冗杂,建议修改原始提示词,效果更好。🔗[https://x.com/dotey/status/1879426041153728799](https://x.com/dotey/status/1879426041153728799)2⃣️👩💻AI对程序员工作的影响分析:AI可代替的部分:代码生成、补全、分析问题和数据提取、辅助架构设计文档等。AI无法代替的部分:需求分析、复杂项目拆分、线上问题排查、调试及安全性保障。建议:专业程序员可通过AI提升效率,但非专业人士难以依赖AI完成复杂任务,需注重自身技能提升和架构设计能力。🔗[https://x.com/dotey/status/1879328239253963232](https://x.com/dotey/status/1879328239253963232)3⃣️🔍AI应用场景:访谈内容真实性分析提示词参考:从“自相矛盾”“时间线”“常识性冲突”角度,分析访谈内容的内部一致性,并结合常识推测可能存在夸大或不实之处。应用价值:适合验证新闻、访谈或声明的真实性,发现潜在问题。🔗[https://x.com/dotey/status/1879219256291967256](https://x.com/dotey/status/1879219256291967256)
compliance.Government is already supporting the development of these tools by publishing a(credit scoring)and HR practices(candidate scoring)respectively.21.Which non-regulatory tools for trustworthy AI would most help organisations to embed5.2 Extraterritorial application of the regulatory framework7.1 Conclusion and next stepsdata sources,and any identified thresholds or triggers for further intervention or iteration ofthe framework.This will be published for consultation.• Continue to develop a regulatory sandbox or testbed with innovators and regulators.127.In the longer-term,twelve months or more after publication,we will:• Deliver a first iteration of all the central functions required to ensure the framework iseffective.• Work with key regulators that have not published guidance on how the cross-sectoralprinciples apply within their remit to encourage and support them to do so.• Publish a draft central,cross-economy AI risk register for consultation.• Develop the regulatory sandbox or testbed drawing on insights from the pilot.• Publish the first monitoring and evaluation report.This will evaluate how well the cross-sectoral principles are functioning and the delivery of the central functions.Performancewill be measured against our framework characteristics:pro-innovation,proportionate,trustworthy,adaptable,clear and collaborative.The report will also consider existingregulatory activity and the role of government in supporting this,including whetherappropriate guidance(including joint guidance)has been issued.In the report,we willinclude considerations on the need for any iteration of the framework,including the needfor statutory interventions.• Publish an updated AI Regulation Roadmap which will set out plans for the future delivery