以下是一些能够把手绘扩展成插画的 AI 工具或方法:
A hand drawn sketch note helps create the synaptic connections needed to move the information from short term to long term memory.You become a better conceptual thinker when you don’t use AI for note-taking.If we look at this diagram of information processing,we need students to get information into their long-term memory:information processing diagramResearch has demonstrated that students retain more information when they take notes by hand rather than typing them.Similarly,students become better observers in science when they sketch out what they see.This seems odd at first.Is a photo more efficient?Absolutely.Is a photo more accurate?Most definitely.Do scientists use photographs out in the field?You bet.Then why bother sketching?The act of drawing teaches students how to observe.We don’t want to short-circuit that process.I want to see students ideating with sticky notes and sketches and webs rather than asking the AI to develop a fully formed project plan.In terms of learning,we also need to engage in hands-on,minds-on,technically minimal learning in order to master a skill.In other words,we shouldn’t use AI when we are first learning a new skill.When Learning a Skill,Start with the Human Element FirstI reached out to my friend Trevor Muir and asked him,“What would you recommend to tackle the problem of cognitive atrophy?”His response was,“I love this topic.I’ve been thinking about it in writing.I don’t think teachers should use AI with students in writing until students have mastered it first.”
当然,这是在有参考图的情况下,我们对原图进行的风格化转变。如果你想要画出原创的卡通插画,就可以不使用controlnet。我们还是使用这个大模型和lora搭配,只不过调整一下提示词,这里我将提示词调整为“一个女孩坐在沙发上,吃西瓜,看电视,夏天”。完成后有些小瑕疵,比如手里西瓜的部分,还有脚的部分。送到ps里后期修复一下,西瓜的部分可以使用“创成式填充”,让AI帮你画好。脚的部分有点难,AI搞不清楚结构,那就用画笔修一下好了,毕竟是简笔画,对细节要求不是很高。这样,一幅还蛮有意思的小插画就做好啦。以上,就是关于简笔水彩风格绘画的介绍,你学会了吗。如果想要这些模型和lora的话,可以添加我的公众号【白马与少年】,回复【SD】即可。-END-白马与少年Stable Diffusion、Blender等学习心得分享139篇原创内容(持续更新中)公众号微信扫一扫关注该公众号
是的,存在一些AI工具和插件可以辅助或自动生成CAD图,特别是在设计和工程领域。以下是一些可以辅助创建CAD图的AI工具:1.CADtools 12:这是一个Adobe Illustrator(AI)插件,它为AI添加了92个绘图和编辑工具,包括图形绘制、编辑、标注、尺寸标注、转换、创建和实用工具。2.Autodesk Fusion 360:Fusion 360是Autodesk开发的一款集成了AI功能的云端3D CAD/CAM软件,能够帮助用户创建复杂的几何形状和优化设计。3.nTopology:nTopology是一款基于AI的设计软件,它可以帮助用户创建复杂的CAD模型,包括拓扑优化、几何复杂度和轻量化设计等。4.ParaMatters CogniCAD:CogniCAD是一款基于AI的CAD软件,可以根据用户输入的设计目标和约束条件自动生成3D模型,适用于拓扑优化、结构设计和材料分布等领域。5.生成设计工具:一些主流CAD软件,如Autodesk系列、SolidWorks等,提供了基于AI的生成设计工具,这些工具可以根据用户输入的设计目标和约束条件自动产生多种设计方案。这些工具通常需要一定的CAD知识和技能才能有效使用。对于CAD初学者,建议先学习基本的3D建模技巧,然后尝试使用这些AI工具来提高设计效率。内容由AI大模型生成,请仔细甄别