以下是为您提供的关于打造医生个人 AI 工具或助理的一些参考:
在医疗保健领域之外,已经有许多为协助特定任务而设计的 AI 驱动工具和教练出现,比如 InterAlia 能帮助搭配服装,Prodigy AI 能提供职业建议,Poised 能提升沟通能力。未来每个人拥有理解自身生活独特背景的个性化聊天机器人并非不可能。
Sam Altman 认为,AI 模型将很快作为自主的个人助理为我们执行特定任务,例如代表您协调医疗护理。并且随着深度学习的发展,AI 会不断进步,为人们的生活带来改善。
对于教师而言,有多种专用工具推荐,如学生小组里的助教智慧学伴、月之暗面的 Kimi.ai 等。在教育应用中,存在生成式人工智能教育应用的五种境界,包括知道、学习并使用、用好提示语、定制智能体、融合驾驭等。同时,还有一些原则需要遵循,如始终邀请人工智能入席、让人始终在环路之中、像对待人一样对待人工智能并明确其类型、假设这是用过的最差的人工智能等。在人工智能时代,教学呈现出人类与人工智能/机器人联合教学成为常态、人类教师生产力等因人工智能增强、语言障碍消失、学习回归本真、学习者主动学习等重要性凸显等走向。
综合以上信息,打造医生的个人 AI 工具或助理可以参考以下思路:
除了医疗保健领域,我们已经开始看到其他专门为协助特定任务而设计的AI驱动工具和教练的出现。例如,[InterAlia](https://interalia.vcflab.org/)可以帮助你搭配一套服装,[Prodigy AI](https://ai.prodi.gg/)可以为你提供职业建议,而[Poised](https://www.poised.com/)可以提升你的沟通能力。相信有一天,我们每个人都会拥有一个理解我们生活独特背景的个性化聊天机器人,并不是一件离奇的事情。当面临生活变化——比如离婚、上大学或生孩子——我们将能够以最有共鸣的方式得到建议。我们还可以寻求支持或指导,以实现我们试图达到的目标,无论是更多地锻炼还是改善我们的财务状况。
Here is one narrow way to look at human history:after thousands of years of compounding scientific discovery and technological progress,we have figured out how to melt sand,add some impurities,arrange it with astonishing precision at extraordinarily tiny scale into computer chips,run energy through it,and end up with systems capable of creating increasingly capable artificial intelligence.This may turn out to be the most consequential fact about all of history so far.It is possible that we will have superintelligence in a few thousand days(!);it may take longer,but I’m confident we’ll get there.How did we get to the doorstep of the next leap in prosperity?In three words:deep learning worked.In 15 words:deep learning worked,got predictably better with scale,and we dedicated increasing resources to it.That’s really it;humanity discovered an algorithm that could really,truly learn any distribution of data(or really,the underlying“rules”that produce any distribution of data).To a shocking degree of precision,the more compute and data available,the better it gets at helping people solve hard problems.I find that no matter how much time I spend thinking about this,I can never really internalize how consequential it is.There are a lot of details we still have to figure out,but it’s a mistake to get distracted by any particular challenge.Deep learning works,and we will solve the remaining problems.We can say a lot of things about what may happen next,but the main one is that AI is going to get better with scale,and that will lead to meaningful improvements to the lives of people around the world.AI models will soon serve as autonomous personal assistants who carry out specific tasks on our behalf like coordinating medical care on your behalf.At some point further down the road,AI systems are going to get so good that they help us make better next-generation systems and make scientific progress across the board.
学生小组里的助教智慧学伴月之暗面的Kimi.ai人机智慧学习协作框架•Living&Working/Teaching&Learning with•Generative AI助理职责任务监管沟通指导负责任把AI想象成您的助理/伙伴/下属Co-Pilotjiaojianli.com5.融合/驾驭4.定制(智能体)/RAG 3.用好(提示语)2.学习并使用1.知道没用过生成式人工智能教育应用五种境界(jiao,2024)Principle 1:Always invite AI to the table.原则1:始终邀请人工智能入席Principle 2:Be the human in the loop.原则2:让人始终在环路之中Principle 3:Treat AI like a person(but tell it what kind of person it is).原则3:像对待人一样对待人工智能(但要告诉它是什么样的人)Principle 4:Assume this is the worst AI you will ever use.原则4:假设这是你用过的最差的人工智能人工智能时代教学的五个走向⼈类与⼈⼯智能/机器⼈的联合教学将成为常态⼈类教师的⽣产⼒、想象⼒和创造⼒因⼈⼯智能⽽增强由于⾃然语⾔处理技术的发展,⼈类的语⾔障碍将消失学习回归本真,课堂⾛向多元时空中教师与学习者的共同创造教学中学习者的主动学习、⾃我管理以及借助AI学习的重要性越发凸显不使⽤⼈⼯智能•适合需要个⼈技能/知识的评估•相关活动:⽆技术讨论、课堂作业、语⾳考试。•出于公平考虑,需要监督或低⻛险评估