以下是关于“AI 领导力”的相关内容:
Today,President Biden is issuing a landmark Executive Order to ensure that America leads the way in seizing the promise and managing the risks of artificial intelligence(AI).The Executive Order establishes new standards for AI safety and security,protects Americans’privacy,advances equity and civil rights,stands up for consumers and workers,promotes innovation and competition,advances American leadership around the world,and more.As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s comprehensive strategy for responsible innovation,the Executive Order builds on previous actions the President has taken,including work that led to voluntary commitments from 15 leading companies to drive safe,secure,and trustworthy development of AI.The Executive Order directs the following actions:New Standards for AI Safety and SecurityAs AI’s capabilities grow,so do its implications for Americans’safety and security.With this Executive Order,the President directs the most sweeping actions ever taken to protect Americans from the potential risks of AI systems:
determines HM Government’s approach regarding AI-enabled military capabilities.We willensure appropriate coherence and alignment in the application of this policy through a contextspecific approach and thereby promote UK leadership in the employment of AI for defencepurposes.Ahead of introducing any statutory duty to have due regard to our principles,and inadvance of introducing other material iterations of the framework,we will consider whetherexemptions are needed to allow existing regulators(such as those working in areas like nationalsecurity)to continue their domain-level approach.
在AI迅速发展的今天,懂得如何有效利用AI的人将在职场中占据绝对优势。掌握Claude的5层Prompt体系,就是在为自己打造一个强大的竞争壁垒。事实上,Prompt工程正在成为一个炙手可热的新兴职业。根据ZipRecruiter的数据[4],截至2024年2月,美国Prompt工程师的平均年薪已达到62,977美元,顶级人才甚至可以获得高达88,000美元的年薪。这个数字还在持续上升,反映了市场对这项技能的迫切需求。将这个体系应用到日常工作中并不难。从今天开始,每次使用AI时,都尝试运用这五层结构来构建你的提示。随着时间推移,你会发现自己越来越善于驾驭AI,创造出令人惊叹的内容。例如,你可以:在进行市场研究时,使用Project Custom Instruction上传行业报告,设置全局规则关注特定指标,使用不同的Styles来生成创意点子和严谨分析。在写作过程中,利用Styles切换不同的写作风格,用Global Rule设定内容框架,通过精心设计的User Requirement指导AI协助你完成不同章节。在数据分析项目中,使用Project Custom Instruction导入数据集和分析模型,通过User Requirement详细说明分析需求,利用Styles生成技术报告和通俗解释。记住,在这个AI驱动的世界里,真正的魔法不在于AI本身,而在于那些能够巧妙使用AI的人。成为那个人,让AI成为你通往成功的秘密武器!最后,我想引用著名科技作家凯文·凯利的一句话来结束本文:'机器人不会取代人类,但懂得使用机器人的人将取代不懂得使用机器人的人。'在这个AI时代,掌握Claude的5层Prompt体系,就是在为自己打造一个通往未来的金钥匙。现在,是时候开始你的AI指挥官之旅了。你准备好了吗?参考资料