AI 在医疗门诊中有以下应用:
[@小互(@imxiaohu)](日报📚《零基础掌握Deepseek》正式上市这是首本介绍Deepseek的图书,适合零基础入门学习。上市后迅速售罄,展现“中国速度”。🔗[查看详情](>>更多详细内容查看[XiaoHu.AI日报]([@宝玉(@dotey)](日报1⃣️🧑💻管理经验加持AI应用善于沟通上下文,明晰AI能力边界,合理授权并监督,提升AI协作效率。🔗[详情](⃣️⚠️医保严禁AI自动开处方由于DeepSeek、Grok等AI工具过于快速,湖南省医保局明确禁止使用人工智能生成医疗处方。🔗[详情](⃣️🚀Coinbase全面推动AI应用工程师广泛使用Cursor AI工具,提升效率,AI应用于欺诈预防、客户支持等领域,计划实现自动化需求生成PR代码。🔗[微信全文](丨🔗[详情](>>更多详细内容查看[宝玉日报](
1.45.Our framework is context-specific.83 We will not assign rules or risk levels to entire sectors or technologies.Instead,we will regulate based on the outcomes AI is likely to generate in particular applications.For example,it would not be proportionate or effective to classify all applications of AI in critical infrastructure as high risk.Some uses of AI in critical infrastructure,like the identification of superficial scratches on machinery,can be relatively low risk.Similarly,an AI-powered chatbot used to triage customer service requests for an online clothing retailer should not be regulated in the same way as a similar application used as part of a medical diagnostic process.2.46.A context-specific approach allows regulators to weigh the risks of using AI against the costs of missing opportunities to do so.84 Regulators told us that AI risk assessments should include the failure to exploit AI capabilities.For example,there can be a significant opportunity cost related to not having access to AI in safety-critical operations,from heavy industry,85 to personal healthcare(see box 1.1).Sensitivity to context will allow the framework to respond to the level of risk in a proportionate manner and avoid stifling innovation or missing opportunities to capitalise on the social benefits made available by AI.3.47.To best achieve this context-specificity we will empower existing UK regulators to apply the cross-cutting principles.Regulators are best placed to conduct detailed risk analysis and enforcement activities within their areas of expertise.Creating a new AI-specific,cross-sector83 See Establishing a pro-innovation approach to regulating AI,Office for Artificial Intelligence,2022.The context-based approach received wide support in feedback received following publication of this policy paper.84 FIDO Direct launched as end-to-end solution to solve water loss,Smart Water Magazine,2023.85 AI on-side:how artificial intelligence is being used to improve health and safety in mining,Axora,2023.25