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1.78.Government,in fulfilling the regulatory central functions and overseeing the framework,will benefit from engaging external expertise to gather insights and advice from experts in industry,academia and civil society.The AI Council has been an important source of expertise over the last three years,advising government on the development of the National AI Strategy as well as our approach to AI governance.As we enter a new phase we will review the role of the AI Council and consider how best to engage expertise to support the implementation of the regulatory framework.2.79.As the regulatory framework evolves and we develop a clearer understanding of the systemlevel functions that are needed,we will review the operational model outlined above.In123 AI and Digital Regulations Service,Care Quality Commission,Health Research Authority,Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency,National Institute for Health and Care Excellence,2023.124 Enabling innovation–piloting a multi-agency advice service for digital innovators,Regulators’Pioneer Fund,2022(an ICO-led project).54A pro-innovation approach to AI regulationparticular,we will consider if a government unit is the most appropriate mechanism for delivering the central functions in the longer term or if an independent body would be more effective.Consultation questions:1.18.Do you agree that regulators are best placed to apply the principles and government is best placed to provide oversight and deliver central functions?