以下是关于 AI 企业赋能的相关内容:
去年,生成式 AI 从不引人注意走向 AI 50 强榜单前列。今年,企业用户和消费者的 AI 生产力大幅提高,应用公司在 AI 50 强榜单中占主导。许多公司正将 AI 融入工作流程以快速达成 KPI,如 ServiceNow 通过 AI 驱动的 Now Assist 实现近 20%的事件避免率,Palo Alto Networks 利用 AI 降低处理费用成本,Hubspot 利用 AI 扩大用户规模,瑞典金融科技公司 Klarna 通过将 AI 融入用户支持节省 4000 多万美元。成千上万的公司在将 AI 整合到工作流程中以扩张规模和降低成本,AI 50 强企业在快速进化。不远的将来,有望看到 UX 和 UI 围绕 AI 功能重新设计。
同时,当前 AI 通过现有法律框架如金融服务监管等进行监管,但存在一些风险在现有监管范围之间或空白处。行业反映监管不一致会给企业带来不必要负担,可能导致小企业离开市场。监管协调有助于企业投资 AI 创新并建立公众信任,一些监管机构已通过正式网络合作确保监管一致性,但其他监管机构在 AI 专业知识方面能力和获取有限,存在执法不一致和部分监管机构过度解读权限范围的风险。
原文链接:https://www.sequoiacap.com/article/ai-50-2024/发表时间:2024-4-11作者:Konstantine Buhler编译:Z Potentials去年,生成式AI从不引人注意的地方走到了AI 50强榜单的前列。今年,随着我们看到企业用户和消费者的AI生产力开始大幅提高,它成为前沿和中心。尽管2023年美国的大部分AI风投都流向了基础设施领域——其中60%流向了最大的大语言模型(LLM)提供商,但应用公司仍在AI 50强榜单中占据主导地位。与此同时,我们开始看到AI如何为公司赋能。如今,许多公司正将AI融入其工作流程,以此来快速达成KPI。我们看到大公司正通过将AI融入其产品的方式而获益。工作流程自动化平台ServiceNow通过AI驱动的Now Assist,实现了近20%的事件避免率。Palo Alto Networks利用AI降低了处理费用的成本。Hubspot利用AI扩大了能够支持的用户规模。瑞典金融科技公司Klarna最近宣布,通过将AI融入用户支持,他们在运行率方面节省了4000多万美元。现在,成千上万的公司正在将AI整合到他们的工作流程中,以扩张规模和降低成本。AI 50强企业正在快速进化。不远的将来,我们有望看到UX和UI围绕AI的功能进行重新设计。在更好、更廉价地复制现有功能之后,我们将开发全新的用户界面,以提供有价值的新体验。
•Clear:by helping businesses working across sectors to navigate the regulatory landscape.•Trustworthy:by increasing awareness of the framework and its requirements among consumers and businesses.•Collaborative:by educating and raising awareness to empower businesses and consumers to participate in the ongoing evaluation and iteration of the framework.•Pro-innovation:by enhancing trust,which is shown to increase AI adoption.Horizon scanningActivities•Monitor emerging trends and opportunities in AI development to ensure that the framework can respond to them effectively.120 Pro-innovation Regulation of Technologies Review:Digital Technologies,HM Treasury,2023.121 The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation(CDEI)Public attitudes report states that the public continue to have limited awareness of AI,with knowledge mainly of low-risk use cases that are already in use but showing low familiarity with more complex AI applications.Public expectations for AI governance(transparency,fairness and accountability),Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation,2023.47A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation•Proactively convene industry,frontier researchers,academia and other key stakeholders to establish how the AI regulatory framework could support the UK’s AI ecosystem to maximise the benefits of emerging opportunities whilst continuing to take a proportionate approach to AI risk.•Support the risk assessment function to identify and prioritise new and emerging AI risks,working collaboratively with industry,academia,global partners,and regulators.Rationale
1.27.While AI is currently regulated through existing legal frameworks like financial services regulation,60 some AI risks arise across,or in the gaps between,existing regulatory remits.Industry told us that conflicting or uncoordinated requirements from regulators create unnecessary burdens and that regulatory gaps may leave risks unmitigated,harming public trust and slowing AI adoption.2.28.Industry has warned us that regulatory incoherence could stifle innovation and competition by causing a disproportionate amount of smaller businesses to leave the market.If regulators are not proportionate and aligned in their regulation of AI,businesses may have to spend excessive time and money complying with complex rules instead of creating new technologies.Small businesses and start-ups often do not have the resources to do both.61 With the vast majority of digital technology businesses employing under 50 people,62 it is important to ensure that regulatory burdens do not fall disproportionately on smaller companies,which play an essential role in the AI innovation ecosystem and act as engines for economic growth and job creation.633.29.Regulatory coordination will support businesses to invest confidently in AI innovation and build public trust by ensuring real risks are effectively addressed.While some regulators already work together to ensure regulatory coherence for AI through formal networks like the AI and digital regulations service in the health sector64 and the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum(DRCF),other regulators have limited capacity and access to AI expertise.This creates the risk of inconsistent enforcement across regulators.There is also a risk that some regulators could begin to dominate and interpret the scope of their remit or role more broadly than may have been intended in order to fill perceived gaps in a way that increases incoherence and uncertainty.Industry asked us to support further system-wide coordination to clarify who is59 Consumer Rights Act 2015;Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations,HM Government,2008.