(1)IN GENERAL.—The Director shall award 15 grants for research on artificial(F)fields and research areas that will con18 tribute to the development and deployment of 19 trustworthy artificial intelligence systems,in20 cluding—21(i)algorithmic explainability;22(ii)methods to assess,characterize,23 and reduce bias in datasets and artificial 24 intelligence systems;and 25VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:31 Mar 25,2020 Jkt 099200 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H6216.IH H6216pamtmann on DSKBC07HB2PROD with BILLS40•HR 6216 IH(iii)safety and robustness of artificial 1 intelligence systems,including assurance,2 verification,validation,security,and con3 trol;4(G)privacy and security,including for 5 datasets used for the training and inference of 6 artificial intelligence systems,and software and 7 hardware used in artificial intelligence systems;8(H)fields and research areas that address 9 the application of artificial intelligence systems 10 to scientific discovery and societal challenges;11(I)societal,ethical,safety,education,12 workforce,and security implications of artificial 13 intelligence systems,including social impact of 14 artificial intelligence systems on different 15 groups within society,especially historically 16 marginalized groups;and 17(J)qualitative and quantitative forecasting 18 of future capabilities,applications,and impacts.19
[heading3](1)IN GENERAL.—The Director of the National 20Science Foundation shall award grants for education 21 programs at the K-12,community college,under22 graduate,graduate,postdoctoral,adult learning,and 23 retraining stages of education that—24VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:31 Mar 25,2020 Jkt 099200 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H6216.IH H6216pamtmann on DSKBC07HB2PROD with BILLS44•HR 6216 IH(A)support the development of a diverse 1 workforce pipeline for science and technology 2 with respect to artificial intelligence systems;3(B)increase awareness of ethical,social,4 safety,and security implications of artificial in5 telligence systems;and 6(C)promote the widespread understanding 7 of artificial intelligence principles and methods 8 to create an educated workforce and general 9 public able to use products enabled by artificial 10 intelligence systems and adapt to future societal 11 and economic changes caused by artificial intel12 ligence systems.13