以下是一些可以自动修改 Word 的 AI 工具:
总的来说,这些 AI 工具涵盖了文章润色的各个环节,包括校对、改写、大纲生成、内容生成等,可以有效提高写作效率和质量。科研人员和学生可以根据自身需求选择合适的工具进行使用。但需注意,内容由 AI 大模型生成,请仔细甄别。
[title]他山之石|如何防止AI取代人类思考一切?[heading1]原文So,let’s consider AI and writing.I’ve written an article about how AI might transform the essay and another article about AI and the future of writing.In it,I described how we might integrate AI into each part of the writing process.We will need to pick and choose how we use AI within each writing piece we create.We might start from a place where we are human-driven first and use AI to modify what we are doing.I write out my blog posts from scratch but I will use some auto-fill and some Grammarly feedback to improve it.I might even go to AI to help define a concept.But it is human-driven and AI informed.Our voice with a megaphone and then an arrow pointing to AI to modify it(with a brain that has AI-like nodes)Sometimes,though,I might want to start with an AI piece of writing that I then modify to make my own.Here’s an example of a time I began with AI and changed it to fit my voice.I began with a writing prompt of my own:From there,I had the AI create a response.Here’s what it came up with.Note that this isn’t bad but it is cliche.Parts of it feel derivative.But it also doesn’t fit my voice or personality.It’s too violent and even cynical.So,I modified it to make it my own.My parts are in bold.Take over the world.But maybe start out small.Perhaps an exoplanet?Or just take over Fresno.Yeah,start out small with Fresno and then go big.Steal the moon.I mean,not our moon,of course.I need the moon if I’m going to keep surfing.I’m thinking maybe Titan or Io?Perhaps Callisto?Nobody ever pays attention to Callisto.Create a shrink ray but one that only makes clothes shrink so that everyone in Fresno thinks they gained ten pounds overnight.
[title]问:文章润色工具有哪些?以下是一些常见的文章润色AI工具:1.Wordvice AI集校对、改写转述和翻译等功能于一体的AI写作助手基于大型语言模型提供全面的英文论文润色服务2.ChatGPT由OpenAI开发的大型语言模型可用于学生和写作人员的多方面写作辅助3.Quillbot人工智能文本摘要和改写工具可用于快速筛选和改写文献资料4.HyperWrite基于AI的写作助手和大纲生成器可帮助用户在写作前进行头脑风暴和大纲规划5.WordtuneAI驱动的文本改写和润色工具可以帮助用户优化文章的语言表达6.Smodin提供AI驱动的论文撰写功能可以根据输入生成符合要求的学术论文总的来说,这些AI工具涵盖了文章润色的各个环节,包括校对、改写、大纲生成、内容生成等,可以有效提高写作效率和质量。科研人员和学生可以根据自身需求选择合适的工具进行使用。内容由AI大模型生成,请仔细甄别