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[title]为了在医疗保健中产生真正的改变,AI需要像我们一样学习毫无疑问,AI将不可逆转地改变我们如何预防和治疗疾病。医生将把文档工作交给AI书记员;初级医疗服务提供者将依赖聊天机器人进行分诊;几乎无穷无尽的预测蛋白结构库将极大地加速药物开发。然而,为了真正改变这些领域,我们应该投资于创建一个模型生态系统——比如说,“专家” AI——它们像我们今天最优秀的医生和药物开发者那样学习。成为某个领域顶尖人才通常以多年的密集信息输入开始,通常是通过正规的学校教育,然后是某种形式的学徒实践;数年时间都致力于从该领域最出色的实践者那里学习,大多数情况下是面对面地学习。这是一个几乎不可替代的过程:例如,医学住院医生通过聆听和观察高水平的外科医生所获取的大部分信息,是任何教科书中都没有明确写出来的。通过学校教育和经验,获得有助于在复杂情况下确定最佳答案的直觉特别具有挑战性。这一点对于人工智能和人类都是如此,但对于AI来说,这个问题因其当前的学习方式以及技术人员当前对待这个机会和挑战的方式而变得更加严重。通过研究成千上万个标记过的数据点(“正确”和“错误”的例子)——当前的先进神经网络架构能够弄清楚什么使一个选择比另一个选择更好。我们应该通过使用彼此堆叠的模型来训练AI,而不是仅仅依靠大量的数据,并期望一个生成模型解决所有问题。例如,我们首先应该训练生物学的模型,然后是化学的模型,在这些基础上添加特定于医疗保健或药物设计的数据点。预医学生的目标是成为医生,但他们的课程从化学和生物学的基础开始,而不是诊断疾病的细微差别。如果没有这些基础课程,他们未来提供高质量医疗保健的能力将受到严重限制。同样,设计新疗法的科学家需要经历数年的化学和生物学学习,然后是博士研究,再然后是在经验丰富的药物设计师的指导下工作。这种学习方式可以帮助培养如何处理涉及细微差别的决策的直觉,特别是在分子层面,这些差别真的很重要。例如,雌激素和睾酮只有细微的差别,但它们对人类健康的影响截然不同。
European country.Our world-leading status is down to our thriving research base and the pipeline ofA pro-innovation approach to AI regulationexpertise graduating through our universities,the ingenuity of our innovators and the government’slong-term commitment to invest in AI.To ensure we become an AI superpower,though,it is crucial that we do all we can to create the rightenvironment to harness the benefits of AI and remain at the forefront of technological developments.That includes getting regulation right so that innovators can thrive and the risks posed by AI can beaddressed.These risks could include anything from physical harm,an undermining of national security,as well asrisks to mental health.The development and deployment of AI can also present ethical challengeswhich do not always have clear answers.Unless we act,household consumers,public services andbusinesses will not trust the technology and will be nervous about adopting it.Unless we build publictrust,we will miss out on many of the benefits on offer.Indeed,the pace of change itself can be unsettling.Some fear a future in which AI replaces ordisplaces jobs,for example.Our white paper and our vision for a future AI-enabled country is one inwhich our ways of working are complemented by AI rather than disrupted by it.In the modern world,toomuch of our professional lives are taken up by monotonous tasks – inputting data,filling out paperwork,scanning through documents for one piece of information and so on.AI in the workplace has thepotential to free us up from these tasks,allowing us to spend more time doing the things we trained for– teachers with more time to teach,clinicians with more time to spend with patients,police officers withmore time on the beat rather than behind a desk – the list goes on.Indeed,since AI is already in our day-to-day lives,there are numerous examples that can help toillustrate the real,tangible benefits that AI can bring once any risks are mitigated.Streaming services