要成为一名 AI 培训师,即使不懂编码,也可以从以下几个方面努力:
对于编码相关的培训,如果您要教授编码课程,可能需要先让学生通过手动编码学习,掌握语言后再将 AI 生成的代码作为节省时间的工具。比如在健康类课程中,如果学生开发应用,您可能不太在意他们是否使用生成式 AI 来编写代码,而更关注学生基于健康习惯设计健康活动。但在编码课程中,可能需要对学生使用生成式 AI 编写代码进行严格要求。
If we ask students to use AI for writing,they need to know what good writing looks like.That takes time.And effort.And a whole bunch of mistakes.If we want students to edit an AI generated text with their own voice,we need them to find their creative voice first.This is true of AI in writing but also AI in math.We don’t want students using AI to check their processes if they haven’t first learned the mathematical process.It’s true of computer coding,where we might start with a Scratch project,then hand-written code,then an AI and coding hybrid.Be Deliberate About What You Off-Load to AIA couple of months ago,I wrote about seven things we should consider when deciding to use AI.People often ask,“When is it okay to use AI?”The short answer is,“It depends on the learning task.”In using AI,we don’t want the machine to do the learning for us.This is why we should start with the learning tasks and then ask,“Does the AI help or hinder the learning in this situation?”The core idea here is that we need to use the learning targets to drive the AI and not the other way around.If you’re teaching a coding class,you might want to be tight with students on using generative AI to create any kind of code.You might want students to learn how to code by hand first and then,after mastering the language,use AI-generated code as a time-saving device.By contrast,if you’re teaching a health class where a student develops an app,you might not care if they use generative AI to help write the code.Instead,your focus is on helping students design a health campaign based on healthy habits.You might not have time to teach students to code by hand.You might not care about coding by hand.The app is merely a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of a health standard.
1.访问[Node.js官网](https://nodejs.org/)下载适用于你操作系统的Node.js安装包,并安装它。安装Node.js的同时会安装NPM,它是Node.js的包管理器,用于安装第三方库和工具。2.验证安装:打开命令行工具(Windows上是命令提示符或PowerShell,macOS或Linux上是终端),输入以下命令,检查Node.js和NPM是否正确安装。3.如果这些命令返回了版本号,说明安装成功。[heading4]安装Visual Studio Code[content]1.下载安装:访问Visual Studio Code官网,下载并安装适合你操作系统的版本。2.探索VS Code:VS Code有很多有用的功能和扩展,比如自动代码完成、git集成、代码高亮和调试支持。你可以通过阅读官方文档或观看入门视频来熟悉它。
[heading2]总结Code AI应用开发教学Code AI应用背景:智能体开发从最初的chatbot只有对话框,到有了更多交互方式,因用户需求扣子推出了AI应用,其低代码或零代码的工作流等场景做得较好。AI CODING现状:AI CODING虽强,但目前适用于小场景和产品的第一个版本,复杂应用可能导致需求理解错误从而使产品出错。证件照应用案例:以证件照为例,说明以前实现成本高,现在有客户端需求并做了相关智能体和交互。AI应用学习过程:创建AI应用,学习操作界面、业务逻辑和用户界面,包括布局、搭建工作流、用户界面及调试发布,重点熟悉桌面网页版的用户界面。