以下是关于财务分析 AI 的相关信息:
在金融服务领域,AI 有以下应用:
此外,还有关于投资 10 万让 AI 买股票的相关内容,但未提供具体收益详情。在 AI 监管政策方面,强调了公平性、可解释性、问责制和治理等原则,例如在某些情况下,AI 决策应具有合理性和可解释性,治理措施应确保对 AI 系统的有效监督,并建立明确的责任线。
explainability.AI systems should display levels of explainability that aredomains,we anticipate that developing joint guidance will be a priority forregulators.Rationalefor theprincipleIn certain circumstances,AI can have a significant impact on people’s lives,including insurance offers,credit scores,and recruitment outcomes.AI-enabled decisions with high impact outcomes should not be arbitrary andshould be justifiable.In order to ensure a proportionate and context-specific approach regulatorsshould be able to describe and illustrate what fairness means within theirsectors and domains,and consult with other regulators where multiple remitsare engaged by a specific use case.We expect that regulators’interpretations of fairness will include consideration of compliance withrelevant law and regulation,including:4)Relevant sector-specific fairness requirements,such as the FinancialConduct Authority(FCA)Handbook.PrincipleAccountability and governanceDefinitionandexplanationGovernance measures should be in place to ensure effective oversight of thesupply and use of AI systems,with clear lines of accountability establishedacross the AI life cycle.AI life cycle actors should take steps to consider,incorporate and adhere tothe principles and introduce measures necessary for the effectiveThe Data Protection and Digital Information(No.2)Bill reforms the UK’s data protection regime(Data Protection Act 2018and the UK GDPR).Guidance on vulnerability includes:FCA guidance on vulnerable consumers,FCA,2019; Consumer vulnerabilityprotections,Ofgem,2020; Vulnerable consumers,CMA,2018.A pro-innovation approach to AI regulationimplementation of the principles at all stages of the AI life cycle.Regulators will need to look for ways to ensure that clear expectations forregulatory compliance and good practice are placed on appropriate actors inthe AI supply chain,and may need to encourage the use of governance