AI 能够为政府采购带来多方面的赋能。根据拜登签署的 AI 行政命令,其作用包括:
然而,目前大多数的“AI 应用/AI 转型”在政府采购领域还存在一些问题,如同走“数字化转型”的老路,将 AI 套用于现有流程,仍在讲述“固化流程”“节约成本”的故事。在技术加速迭代的当下,这样的做法可能导致成果过时,限制企业的主动进化能力。
AI can help government deliver better results for the American people.It can expand agencies’ capacity to regulate,govern,and disburse benefits,and it can cut costs and enhance the security of government systems.However,use of AI can pose risks,such as discrimination and unsafe decisions.To ensure the responsible government deployment of AI and modernize federal AI infrastructure,the President directs the following actions:Issue guidance for agencies’ use of AI,including clear standards to protect rights and safety,improve AI procurement,and strengthen AI deployment.Help agencies acquire specified AI products and services faster,more cheaply,and more effectively through more rapid and efficient contracting.Accelerate the rapid hiring of AI professionals as part of a government-wide AI talent surge led by the Office of Personnel Management,U.S.Digital Service,U.S.Digital Corps,and Presidential Innovation Fellowship.Agencies will provide AI training for employees at all levels in relevant fields.
Strengthen privacy-preserving research and technologies,such as cryptographic tools that preserve individuals’ privacy,by funding a Research Coordination Network to advance rapid breakthroughs and development.The National Science Foundation will also work with this network to promote the adoption of leading-edge privacy-preserving technologies by federal agencies.Evaluate how agencies collect and use commercially available information —including information they procure from data brokers—and strengthen privacy guidance for federal agencies to account for AI risks.This work will focus in particular on commercially available information containing personally identifiable data.Develop guidelines for federal agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of privacy-preserving techniques,including those used in AI systems.These guidelines will advance agency efforts to protect Americans’ data.Advancing Equity and Civil RightsIrresponsible uses of AI can lead to and deepen discrimination,bias,and other abuses in justice,healthcare,and housing.The Biden-Harris Administration has already taken action by publishing the[Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights]( issuing an[Executive Order directing agencies to combat algorithmic discrimination](,while enforcing existing authorities to protect people’s rights and safety.To ensure that AI advances equity and civil rights,the President directs the following additional actions:Provide clear guidance to landlords,Federal benefits programs,and federal contractors to keep AI algorithms from being used to exacerbate discrimination.Address algorithmic discrimination through training,technical assistance,and coordination between the Department of Justice and Federal civil rights offices on best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI.