以下是 AI 在办公提效方面的一些落地场景:
[title]100个AI应用[heading1]21-40|序号|已有产品|主题|使用技术|市场规模|一句话介绍|项目功能|<br>|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|<br>|21|豆果美食APP|AI菜谱生成平台|自然语言处理、数据分析|数亿美元|根据用户口味和现有食材生成个性化菜谱。|豆果美食APP可以根据用户输入的食材和口味偏好,利用AI技术生成多种菜谱,例如用户有鸡肉、土豆等食材,APP会推荐土豆烧鸡等菜谱,方便用户烹饪。|<br>|22|沪江开心词场|AI语言学习助手|自然语言处理、机器学习|数十亿美元|辅助用户学习语言,提供个性化学习方案。|沪江开心词场通过AI分析用户的学习进度和薄弱环节,为用户推荐合适的单词和学习内容。比如用户在学习英语时,APP会根据其错题情况推荐针对性的复习内容。|<br>|23|爱奇艺智能推荐|AI电影推荐系统|数据分析、机器学习|数亿美元|根据用户喜好推荐电影,发现优质影片。|爱奇艺利用AI算法分析用户的观看历史、评分等数据,为用户推荐符合其口味的电影。例如如果用户经常观看科幻电影,系统会推荐更多优质的科幻片。|<br>|24|WPS Office|AI办公自动化工具|自然语言处理、机器学习|数十亿美元|提高办公效率,实现自动化办公流程。|WPS Office中的一些功能,如智能排版、语法检查等,利用AI技术帮助用户快速完成文档处理工作,提高办公效率。|
[title]拜登签署的AI行政命令_2023.10.30Advance the responsible use of AI in healthcare and the development of affordable and life-saving drugs.The Department of Health and Human Services will also establish a safety program to receive reports of—and act to remedy – harms or unsafe healthcare practices involving AI.Shape AI’s potential to transform education by creating resources to support educators deploying AI-enabled educational tools,such as personalized tutoring in schools.Supporting WorkersAI is changing America’s jobs and workplaces,offering both the promise of improved productivity but also the dangers of increased workplace surveillance,bias,and job displacement.To mitigate these risks,support workers’ ability to bargain collectively,and invest in workforce training and development that is accessible to all,the President directs the following actions:Develop principles and best practices to mitigate the harms and maximize the benefits of AI for workers by addressing job displacement; labor standards; workplace equity,health,and safety; and data collection.These principles and best practices will benefit workers by providing guidance to prevent employers from undercompensating workers,evaluating job applications unfairly,or impinging on workers’ ability to organize.Produce a report on AI’s potential labor-market impacts,and study and identify options for strengthening federal support for workers facing labor disruptions,including from AI.Promoting Innovation and CompetitionAmerica already leads in AI innovation—more AI startups raised first-time capital in the United States last year than in the next seven countries combined.The Executive Order ensures that we continue to lead the way in innovation and competition through the following actions: