1.19.AI is already delivering major advances and efficiencies in many areas.AI quietly automates aspects of our everyday activities,from systems that monitor traffic to make our commutes smoother,17 to those that detect fraud in our bank accounts.18 AI has revolutionised large-scale safety-critical practices in industry,like controlling the process of nuclear fusion.19 And it has also been used to accelerate scientific advancements,such as the discovery of new medicine20 or the technologies we need to tackle climate change.212.20.But this is just the beginning.AI can be used in a huge variety of settings and has the extraordinary potential to transform our society and economy.22 It could have as much impact as electricity or the internet,and has been identified as one of five critical technologies in the UK Science and Technology Framework.23 As AI becomes more powerful,and as innovators explore new ways to use it,we will see more applications of AI emerge.As a result,AI has a huge potential to drive growth24 and create jobs.25 It will support people to carry out their existing jobs,by helping to improve workforce efficiency and workplace safety.26 To remain world leaders in AI,attract global talent and create high-skilled jobs in the UK,we must create a regulatory environment where such innovation can thrive.3.21.Technological advances like large language models(LLMs)are an indication of the transformative developments yet to come.27 LLMs provide substantial opportunities to transform the economy and society.For example,LLMs can automate the process of writing code and17 Transport apps like Google Maps,and CityMapper,use AI.18 Artificial Intelligence in Banking Industry:A Review on Fraud Detection,Credit Management,and Document Processing,ResearchBerg Review of Science and Technology,2018.19 Accelerating fusion science through learned plasma control,Deepmind,2022;Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning,Degrave et al.,2022.
功能需求:每个离谱生物的页面需要展示图片、头像、文字介绍,并支持文字和语音对话。此外,还需要展示相关的离谱事件。非功能需求:页面加载速度要快,用户界面友好,支持响应式设计,以适应不同设备的屏幕。用户故事:作为一个访客,我希望浏览不同的离谱生物档案,了解它们的背景故事和相关事件,还希望能够和它们进行文字或语音交流。[heading3]3.架构设计与模块化[heading4]架构设计[content]前后端分离:采用前后端分离的架构,前端负责展示界面和用户交互,后端负责处理业务逻辑和数据存取。REST API:后端提供RESTful API,供前端调用,获取生物档案数据和处理语音转换等功能。[heading4]模块化[content]前端模块:生物档案组件:展示离谱生物的图片、头像和文字介绍。事件展示组件:展示与离谱生物相关的事件。对话组件:实现用户与离谱生物之间的文字和语音交流功能。后端模块:生物档案API:处理生物档案数据的增删查改。事件API:处理事件数据的增删查改。语音处理API:调用外部语音处理服务,实现语音和文字的相互转换。接下来,根据你的需要,我们可以深入讨论开发的具体细节,比如如何设计数据库模型、如何实现前后端的具体功能等。你希望从哪个部分开始讨论呢?我是小白,请直接给我指导如何继续搭建完整的网站对话ID:[7b3a8b2f3b1ad9e67b8ef5a3bf28b1a2]既然你是初学者,那么我们将采取一步步的方法,首先设置你的开发环境,然后逐步开发前端和后端,最后部署你的网站。我们将从最基础的部分开始。