以下是在 20 天内快速学习 AI 技术并找到工作的一些建议:
需要注意的是,20 天的时间较为紧张,要保持高强度的学习和实践,同时不断总结和反思,提升自己的能力,以增加找到工作的机会。
我叫二师兄,来自上海,典型的80后,房地产行业从业二十年,计算机零基础。兴趣爱好:悠悠球、数码产品、游戏、音乐、手办、乐高、汽车2024年[heading1]一月[content]4070TiSuper发售,我买了显卡配了4K160显示器,备战2024年8月发售的国产3A大作黑悟空和2025年发售的GTA6[heading1]二月[content]过年后,在七彩虹的售后群,有个老哥在分享用AI绘画的心得,问他要了SD秋叶安装包,下载了教学视频,自此迈出AI学习的第一步[heading1]三月[content]啃完SD的所有教程,秉着不浪费显卡资源的原则开始炼丹,人脸、画风、风景、景观、建筑的丹练了一些,不过因为图片数据集的质量一般,且很多是公司里的项目案例图片,所有lora仅供自嗨[heading1]四月[content]与小伙伴探讨AI变现的途径,尝试用GPT和SD制作图文故事绘本、小说推文的项目,因组员各自忙于事业而不了了之。但过程中练了一些绘本风格的丹。[heading1]五月[content]因公司岗位可能有调动,提前把电脑运到武汉的家里,但最终工作地点仍在昆明,开启了长达五个月无硬件支持的AI学习之路。有幸加入到Prompt battle社群,开始了Midjourney的学习,这一阶段打磨了另一种形式的文生图提示词学习。
1.19.AI is already delivering major advances and efficiencies in many areas.AI quietly automates aspects of our everyday activities,from systems that monitor traffic to make our commutes smoother,17 to those that detect fraud in our bank accounts.18 AI has revolutionised large-scale safety-critical practices in industry,like controlling the process of nuclear fusion.19 And it has also been used to accelerate scientific advancements,such as the discovery of new medicine20 or the technologies we need to tackle climate change.212.20.But this is just the beginning.AI can be used in a huge variety of settings and has the extraordinary potential to transform our society and economy.22 It could have as much impact as electricity or the internet,and has been identified as one of five critical technologies in the UK Science and Technology Framework.23 As AI becomes more powerful,and as innovators explore new ways to use it,we will see more applications of AI emerge.As a result,AI has a huge potential to drive growth24 and create jobs.25 It will support people to carry out their existing jobs,by helping to improve workforce efficiency and workplace safety.26 To remain world leaders in AI,attract global talent and create high-skilled jobs in the UK,we must create a regulatory environment where such innovation can thrive.3.21.Technological advances like large language models(LLMs)are an indication of the transformative developments yet to come.27 LLMs provide substantial opportunities to transform the economy and society.For example,LLMs can automate the process of writing code and17 Transport apps like Google Maps,and CityMapper,use AI.18 Artificial Intelligence in Banking Industry:A Review on Fraud Detection,Credit Management,and Document Processing,ResearchBerg Review of Science and Technology,2018.19 Accelerating fusion science through learned plasma control,Deepmind,2022;Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning,Degrave et al.,2022.