利用 AI 辅助做科研选题并写学术课题申报书,您需要按以下步骤学习相关内容:
请记住,AI 工具只是辅助,不能完全替代研究者的专业判断和创造性思维。在使用 AI 进行课题写作时,要保持批判性思维,确保研究质量和学术诚信。
the Office of Electricity,the Office of Cybersecurity,En-17ergy Security,and Emergency Response,the Advanced18Research Projects Agency-Energy,and any other relevant19office determined by the Secretary.20(b)RESEARCH AREAS.—In carrying out the program21under subsection(a),the Secretary shall award financial22assistance to eligible entities to carry out research projects23on topics including—24•HR 6216 IHVerDate Sep 11 2014 23:31 Mar 25,2020 Jkt 099200 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H6216.IH H6216pamtmann on DSKBC07HB2PROD with BILLS50(1)the application of artificial intelligence sys1 tems to improve large-scale simulations of natural 2 and other phenomena;3(2)the study of applied mathematics,computer 4 science,and statistics,including foundations of 5 methods and systems of artificial intelligence,causal 6 and statistical inference,and the development of al7 gorithms for artificial intelligence systems;8(3)the analysis of existing large-scale datasets9from science and engineering experiments and sim-10ulations,including energy simulations and other pri-11orities at the Department as determined by the Sec-12retary using artificial intelligence tools and tech-13niques;14