AI 诈骗是指利用人工智能技术进行的欺诈行为。例如,通过生成逼真的虚假内容、模拟真实身份等手段来欺骗受害者。
拜登签署的 AI 行政命令中提到要保护美国人免受 AI 带来的诈骗和欺骗,商务部将为内容认证和水印制定指导方针,以清晰标注 AI 生成的内容,联邦机构将使用这些工具让美国人容易知晓从政府收到的通信是真实的,并为私营部门和全球各国政府树立榜样。
在 AI 术语中,与相关概念有关的术语包括智能体(Agent)等。
在小学课堂的课程设计中,对于三年级的孩子,会用他们能理解的语言来介绍 AI,比如简单说明 AI 是让计算机或机器能像人类一样思考和学习的技术。
Require that developers of the most powerful AI systems share their safety test results and other critical information with the U.S.government.In accordance with the Defense Production Act,the Order will require that companies developing any foundation model that poses a serious risk to national security,national economic security,or national public health and safety must notify the federal government when training the model,and must share the results of all red-team safety tests.These measures will ensure AI systems are safe,secure,and trustworthy before companies make them public.Develop standards,tools,and tests to help ensure that AI systems are safe,secure,and trustworthy.The National Institute of Standards and Technology will set the rigorous standards for extensive red-team testing to ensure safety before public release.The Department of Homeland Security will apply those standards to critical infrastructure sectors and establish the AI Safety and Security Board.The Departments of Energy and Homeland Security will also address AI systems’ threats to critical infrastructure,as well as chemical,biological,radiological,nuclear,and cybersecurity risks.Together,these are the most significant actions ever taken by any government to advance the field of AI safety.Protect against the risks of using AI to engineer dangerous biological materials by developing strong new standards for biological synthesis screening.Agencies that fund life-science projects will establish these standards as a condition of federal funding,creating powerful incentives to ensure appropriate screening and manage risks potentially made worse by AI.Protect Americans from AI-enabled fraud and deception by establishing standards and best practices for detecting AI-generated content and authenticating official content.The Department of Commerce will develop guidance for content authentication and watermarking to clearly label AI-generated content.Federal agencies will use these tools to make it easy for Americans to know that the communications they receive from their government are authentic—and set an example for the private sector and governments around the world.
|术语ID|原文|译文|领域|易混淆|缩写|不需要提醒||-|-|-|-|-|-|-||ROW()-1|Adaptive Moment Estimation Algorithm|Adam算法|AI|||||ROW()-1|Adaptive Resonance Theory|自适应谐振理论|AI|||||ROW()-1|Additive Model|加性模型|AI|||||ROW()-1|Adversarial|对抗|AI|||||ROW()-1|Adversarial Example|对抗样本|AI|||||ROW()-1|Adversarial Networks|对抗网络|AI|||||ROW()-1|Adversarial Training|对抗训练|AI|||||ROW()-1|Affine Layer|仿射层|AI|||||ROW()-1|Affine Transformation|仿射变换|AI|||||ROW()-1|Affinity Matrix|亲和矩阵|AI|||||ROW()-1|Agent|智能体|AI|1||||ROW()-1|Agglomerative|聚合|AI||||