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Lifelong learning is of great significance. It enables us to keep up with the ever-changing world and acquire new skills and knowledge. It broadens our horizons, enhances our adaptability, and enriches our lives. It also helps us stay mentally active and engaged, promoting personal growth and development throughout our lives.

内容由 AI 大模型生成,请仔细甄别(powered by aily)
Autonomous driving is a revolutionary technology that enables vehicles to operate without human control. It uses sensors, cameras, and advanced algorithms to perceive the environment, make decisions, and navigate safely. This technology holds the potential to greatly enhance transportation efficiency and reduce human errors on the road. However, it also faces challenges such as legal and ethical issues.
帮我写一段120字的英文短文,回答这个问题: the role of creativity in problem-solving
Creativity plays a vital role in problemsolving. It enables us to think outside the box and come up with unconventional solutions. With creativity, we can combine different ideas and perspectives, finding unique approaches that might not be obvious at first. It helps us break free from traditional patterns and discover novel ways to overcome challenges.
帮我写一段120字的英文,回答这个问题: the role of tradition in modern society
Tradition plays a significant role in modern society. It provides a sense of identity and belonging, connecting people to their roots. It also offers valuable wisdom and moral guidance. Moreover, traditions help preserve cultural heritage and foster social cohesion. However, it's essential to adapt traditions to modern needs while maintaining their essence.
帮我写一段120字的英文,回答这个问题:role of sports in society
Sports play a crucial role in society. They promote physical and mental health, fostering a sense of teamwork and discipline. They also bring people together, breaking down barriers and promoting social unity. Moreover, sports inspire competition and drive individuals to achieve their best, shaping a more dynamic and progressive society.
帮我写一段120字的英文,回答这个问题: Talk about a cultural tradition from another country that you find interesting
I find the Japanese tea ceremony very interesting. It involves elaborate rituals and precise movements, emphasizing harmony, respect, and tranquility. The use of beautiful tea sets and the focus on creating a serene atmosphere make it a unique and captivating cultural tradition. It showcases the Japanese pursuit of refinement and inner peace.
帮我写一段120字的英文,回答这个问题: Discuss the importance of communication skills in today's world
Communication skills are of paramount importance in today's world. They facilitate effective teamwork, allowing people to share ideas and collaborate smoothly. Good communication helps build strong relationships, both personal and professional. It also enables us to express our thoughts clearly, understand others' perspectives, and solve problems efficiently.
以下为一些免费的 AI 工具: 会议语音转文字工具: 飞书妙记:https://www.feishu.cn/product/minutes ,飞书的办公套件之一。 通义听悟:https://tingwu.aliyun.com/home ,阿里推出的 AI 会议转录工具。 讯飞听见:https://www.iflyrec.com/ ,讯飞旗下智慧办公服务平台。 Otter AI:https://otter.ai/ ,转录采访和会议纪要。 更多会议记录工具请访问网站:https://waytoagi.com/sites/category/29 。 写作相关工具: 免费选项:Bing(https://www.bing.com/search?q=Bing+AI&showconv=1&FORM=hpcodx )和 Claude 2(https://claude.ai/ )。 付费选项:带有插件的 ChatGPT 4.0/ChatGPT 。 文章润色工具: Wordvice AI ,集校对、改写转述和翻译等功能于一体的 AI 写作助手,基于大型语言模型提供全面的英文论文润色服务。 ChatGPT ,由 OpenAI 开发的大型语言模型,可用于学生和写作人员的多方面写作辅助。 Quillbot ,人工智能文本摘要和改写工具,可用于快速筛选和改写文献资料。 HyperWrite ,基于 AI 的写作助手和大纲生成器,可帮助用户在写作前进行头脑风暴和大纲规划。 Wordtune ,AI 驱动的文本改写和润色工具,可以帮助用户优化文章的语言表达。 Smodin ,提供 AI 驱动的论文撰写功能,可以根据输入生成符合要求的学术论文。 需要注意的是,以上内容由 AI 大模型生成,请仔细甄别。
以下是关于使用 AI 创作简短文字的相关信息: 准备内容: 先准备一段视频中播放的内容文字,比如产品介绍、课程讲解、游戏攻略等。可以利用 AI 生成这段文字。 参考示例:准备的内容约 500 字,制作出的视频约 1 分 30 秒,内容由提供。 制作视频: 使用剪映 App 进行简单处理,电脑端打开剪映 App,点击“开始创作”。 进入创作页面后,选择顶部工具栏中的“文本”,并点击默认文本右下角的“+”号,为视频添加一个文字内容的轨道。 在利用 AI 进行文生图方面: 定主题:确定生成图片的主题、风格和表达的信息。 选择 Checkpoint:根据主题找内容贴近的 Checkpoint,如麦橘、墨幽的系列模型。 选择 lora:寻找内容重叠的 lora 以控制图片效果及质量。 设置 VAE:选择 840000 那一串。 CLIP 跳过层:设成 2。 Prompt 提示词:用英文写需求,使用单词和短语组合,不用管语法和长句,单词、短语之间用英文半角逗号隔开。 负向提示词 Negative Prompt:用英文写避免产生的内容,同样是单词和短语组合,中间用英文半角逗号隔开。 此外,还有 TextBuddy 这个在线写作助手,其官网为:TextBuddy 官网 。它是一个利用人工智能和简明语言帮助作家创建清晰简明内容的工具,可以找到模糊、被动或复杂的短语和词语,指出过长的句子,还能提供 AI 文案撰写、同义词、语法和拼写检查以及情感分析等功能。