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帮我写一段120字的英文,回答这个问题: the role of tradition in modern society


Tradition plays a significant role in modern society. It provides a sense of identity and belonging, connecting people to their roots. It also offers valuable wisdom and moral guidance. Moreover, traditions help preserve cultural heritage and foster social cohesion. However, it's essential to adapt traditions to modern needs while maintaining their essence.

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NVIDIA Graphics Device with CUDA capability sm_120 is not compatible with the current PyTorch installation. The current PyTorch install supports CUDA capabilities sm_37 sm_50 sm_60 sm_61 sm_70 sm_75 sm_80 sm_86 sm_90 compute_37. If you want to use th
您好,出现“NVIDIA Graphics Device with CUDA capability sm_120 is not compatible with the current PyTorch installation. The current PyTorch install supports CUDA capabilities sm_37 sm_50 sm_60 sm_61 sm_70 sm_75 sm_80 sm_86 sm_90 compute_37.”这种情况,意味着您所使用的 NVIDIA 显卡的 CUDA 计算能力(sm_120)与当前安装的 PyTorch 版本不兼容。当前安装的 PyTorch 支持的 CUDA 计算能力为 sm_37 至 sm_90 以及 compute_37 。您可能需要重新安装与您显卡 CUDA 计算能力相匹配的 PyTorch 版本,或者升级您的显卡驱动程序来解决此兼容性问题。
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how AI helps in the field of life science engineering and informatics, and which roles it plays in our research and innovation.请用中文和英文回答
中文回答: 人工智能在生命科学工程和信息学领域发挥着重要作用。例如,DeepMind 开发的 AI 技术能够预测几乎所有已知蛋白质的结构,这将加速科学研究和救命药物的开发,在对抗疟疾、抗生素耐药性和塑料垃圾等方面帮助科学家取得巨大进展。随着人工智能的发展,它能够扩大熟练劳动力或提升低技能劳动力的水平,例如可以提出答案或创意,让经过训练的人类选择最佳答案,筛选结果并跳过错误答案,自然地整合到现有的工作流程中。在合适的条件下,人工智能将改变生活的各个方面,刺激经济,创造新的就业机会并改善工作场所。 英文回答: Artificial intelligence plays significant roles in the field of life science engineering and informatics. For instance, an AI technology developed by DeepMind can predict the structure of almost every known protein to science, which will accelerate scientific research and the development of lifesaving medicines. It has already helped scientists make huge progress in combating malaria, antibiotic resistance, and plastic waste. As AI develops, it can expand the skilled labor force or enhance the level of lowskilled labor. For example, it can propose answers or ideas, allowing trained humans to select the best ones, filter the results and skip incorrect answers, and integrate naturally into the existing workflow. Under the right conditions, AI will transform all areas of life, stimulate the economy, create new jobs and improve the workplace.
how AI helps in the field of life science engineering and informatics, and which roles it plays in our research and innovation.请用中文描述一遍,英文描述一遍
中文描述: 用户询问:人工智能如何在生命科学工程和信息学领域发挥作用,以及它在我们的研究和创新中扮演何种角色。 英文描述: Quary: How AI helps in the field of life science engineering and informatics, and which roles it plays in our research and innovation. 以下是为您找到的相关内容: 1. 人工智能(AI)已经在带来广泛的社会效益,从医疗进步到缓解气候变化。例如,DeepMind(一家英国企业)开发的一项 AI 技术现在能够预测几乎每种已知科学的蛋白质结构。这一突破将加速科学研究和救命药物的开发,已经帮助科学家在对抗疟疾、抗生素耐药性和塑料垃圾方面取得巨大进展。 2. 英国科学技术框架将 AI 列为五项关键技术之一,并指出监管在为 AI 创造繁荣环境方面的作用。在适当的条件下,AI 将改变生活的所有领域,并通过释放创新和提高生产力来刺激英国经济,创造新的就业机会并改善工作场所。 3. 相关法案提到支持跨多个机构和组织的跨学科研究和开发,包括物理学、工程学、数学科学、计算机和信息科学、机器人学、生物和认知科学、材料科学、社会和行为科学、网络安全和技术伦理等与人工智能研究和相关学科。