AI 在高中生中的应用主要包括以下方面:
[title]医疗:健康生物制药的研究chatgpt,google bard在日常工作生活中很有用,这些技术也极大加速了医疗健康生物制药的研究,ai已经在抗癌,抗衰老,早期疾病防治等的研究应用中起着重要作用。以下是一些最新的进展:1、ai提前三年诊断胰腺癌,如果当年有这个,也许乔布斯还在世: Bhadramani/iStock/Getty Images Plus2、两名高中生与医疗技术公司Insilico Medicine及其人工智能平台PandaOmics合作,发现了与胶质母细胞瘤相关的三个新靶基因,这些基因对于有效对抗这种癌症至关重要:、ai帮助抗衰老;由Integrated Biosciences领导的一项最新研究通过使用人工智能筛查了超过800,000种化合物,专家们发现了三种高效的药物候选物,其药理学性质优于目前已知的抗衰老物质:、使用ai寻找阿尔兹海默症的治疗方法;亚利桑那大学与哈佛大学共同利用人工智能对健康神经元在疾病进展过程中的分子变化研究,以识别阿尔茨海默病的原因和潜在药物靶点。 ai帮助早期诊断帕金森;悉尼新南威尔士大学的科学家与波士顿大学研究人员使用神经网络分析患者体液中的生物标志物,在帕金森病的第一个症状出现前几年就可以发现该疾病。
[title]他山之石|如何防止AI取代人类思考一切?[heading1]原文First,I think it misses the fact that some tasks are simply fun to do,whether they can be mechanized or not.You can buy a blanket at Wal-Mart.It’s fast and cheap.Or you can crochet it and spend more time and money along the way.And yet,when a friend of ours gave us a crocheted blanket when we had a newborn,it was something we cherished forever.You can buy a pitching machine and never play catch with your kid but you’ll be missing out on one of the best parts of parenthood.You can use navigation to get around a city but you can also put your phone away and discover a new city by chasing your curiosity on foot.Sure,Google Maps can do a better job getting you there efficiently but is efficiency always the bottom line?We know that AI can beat the best chess masters in the world.And yet,how many high schoolers fell in love with the game of chess two years ago when they watched The Queen’s Gambit?Chess is worth pursuing because it’s fun to do.When the pandemic hit,my students did a show and tell where they shared their positive coping mechanisms.They talked about gardening,writing,knitting,pickling(because Portland,right?),coding,drawing,painting,and cooking.Every activity was something that we could automate.And yet,these were lifelines for them.Part of what it means to be human is to do tasks that can be automated but to do them in an idiosyncratic way,where you put your own stamp on it.On a more academic level,we often need lo-fi tools and old school strategies to learn more deeply.I worry about people using AI for writing and failing to understand that we learn to think deeply though writing.It’s not merely the way we demonstrate our learning.It’s often how we learn.We can use AI to summarize key information but handwritten notes allow us to retain more information from our learning.