以下是关于如何利用 AI 辅助高中美术学生进行创意图形生成的相关内容:
在不同的教学场景中,对 AI 的应用和态度有所不同。例如在艺术教学中,对于 AI 生成的图像可能有不同的需求。在历史课中,学生制作信息图表展示对宏观经济学原理的理解时,可能会接受 AI 生成的图像;而在美术课上,可能不太希望直接使用 AI 生成的图像。
在学习 AI 绘画方面,其在广告设计、游戏开发、影视制作、建筑设计等领域都有应用。比如在广告设计中可快速生成创意概念图,为策划提供灵感和初稿;在游戏开发中用于创建场景和角色形象,提高开发效率等。
对于小学课堂中的 AI 绘图课程设计,可先准备关键词并输入 Mid Journey 生成图片存下来展示,围绕 AI 绘图的好处展开,如创意增强,像“夜晚的未来城市风景,霓虹灯和飞行汽车”“超现实主义风景,漂浮的岛屿和瀑布云”等能创造独特且富有想象力的场景;效率提升,如“现代智能手机设计的快速草图”“新咖啡机概念的快速原型”能快速生成复杂多变的设计;降低技能门槛,像“简单卡通角色,微笑着,大眼睛”“基础的风景画,夕阳下的宁静湖泊”能帮助非专业者创作;探索新的艺术形式,如“数字抽象艺术,鲜明的色彩和几何形状”“算法生成的艺术作品,具有分形图案”能探索全新艺术形式的潜力。
By contrast,if you’re teaching a health class where a student develops an app,you might not care if they use generative AI to help write the code.Instead,your focus is on helping students design a health campaign based on healthy habits.You might not have time to teach students to code by hand.You might not care about coding by hand.The app is merely a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of a health standard.If you’re teaching an art class,you might not want AI-generated images but you might embrace AI-generated images in a history class where students work on making infographics to demonstrate their understanding of macroeconomics principles.It might feel like cheating for a student in a film class to use AI for video editing but the AI-generated jump cuts might save loads of time in a science class where students demonstrate their learning in a video.In a film class,it’s critical for students to learn how to edit by hand in order to tell a story.In science,AI-generated jump cuts allow students to create videos quickly so they can focus on the science content.I also want to recognize that some of what students learn can and will become obsolete.I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually need to memorize the state capitols,for example.Which leads me to the next question...But What If We Don’t Need That Skill Anymore?I grew up in an era where teachers were moving away from memorization.We still had to memorize math facts and,for some reason,state capitols.I’ve never visited a state and thought,“Man,I really need to see the capitol.” If I’m Nevada,I’m not like,“Screw Vegas,I’m going to Carson City!”
设计思路:因为Mid Journey出图比较慢,没法带着学生现场出,比较耗时,所以先准备一些关键词,然后把关键词输入MJ,出了图之后先存下来,方便当场展示。然后最后留一点时间互动的时候再出一两张图玩。另外,事先准备的关键词和展示的图片需要围绕AI绘图给我们带来的好处来展开。此处我抓住了4个点,分别是:创意增强:"夜晚的未来城市风景,霓虹灯和飞行汽车”"超现实主义风景,漂浮的岛屿和瀑布云”创造独特且富有想象力的场景,能在任何概念上迅速实现视觉表达。效率提升:"现代智能手机设计的快速草图”"新咖啡机概念的快速原型”AI能快速生成复杂或多变的设计,减少人工投入时间。降低技能门槛:"简单卡通角色,微笑着,大眼睛""基础的风景画,夕阳下的宁静湖泊”帮助非专业者轻松创作出艺术作品,使任何人都能成为创作者。探索新的艺术形式:"数字抽象艺术,鲜明的色彩和几何形状""算法生成的艺术作品,具有分形图案”探索AI在创造全新艺术形式方面的潜力,如将数据和算法转化为视觉艺术作品。