以下是一些高中物理教师可能获得 AI 最大化帮助的途径:
但需要注意的是,目前关于 AI 在科学领域的文献研究还不够系统,其在教学中的应用也有待进一步探索和完善。
So can AI help with mathematics at this“fluid-dynamics-style”level?Potentially so,but mainly in what amounts to providing code assistance.We have something we want to express,say,in Wolfram Language.But we need help—“LLM style”—in going from our informal conception to explicit computational language.And insofar as what we’re doing follows the structural patterns of what’s been done before,we can expect something like an LLM to help.But insofar as what we’re expressing is“truly new”,and inasmuch as our computational language doesn’t involve much“boilerplate”,it’s hard to imagine that an AI trained on what’s been done before will help much.Instead,what we in effect have to do is some multicomputationally irreducible computation,that allows us to explore to some fresh part of the computational universe and the ruliad.那么人工智能可以在这种“流体动力学风格”的水平上帮助数学吗?可能是这样,但主要是提供代码帮助。我们有一些想要表达的东西,比如说,用Wolfram语言。但我们需要帮助——“LLM风格”——从我们的非正式概念转变为明确的计算语言。只要我们正在做的事情遵循之前所做的结构模式,我们就可以期待像LLM这样的东西来提供帮助。但就我们所表达的内容来说是“真正新的”,并且我们的计算语言不涉及太多“样板文件”,很难想象接受过以前做过的事情训练的人工智能会有多大帮助。相反,我们实际上要做的是一些多重计算的不可约计算,这使我们能够探索计算宇宙和ruliad的一些新鲜部分。
I must also offer an apology.While I’ve been exposed—though often basically just“through the grapevine”—to lots of things being done on“AI in science”,especially over the past year,I haven’t made any serious attempt to systematically study the literature of the field,or trace its history and the provenance of ideas in it.So I must leave it to others to make connections between what I’ve done here and what other people may(or may not)have done elsewhere.It’d be fascinating to do a serious analysis of the history of work on AI in science,but it’s not something I’ve had a chance to do.我还必须道歉。虽然我已经接触过——尽管基本上只是“通过小道消息”——了解了许多关于“科学中的人工智能”的事情,特别是在过去的一年里,但我还没有做出任何认真的尝试来系统地研究人工智能的文献。领域,或追溯其历史和其中思想的起源。因此,我必须让其他人将我在这里所做的事情与其他人在其他地方可能(或可能没有)做过的事情联系起来。认真分析人工智能在科学领域的工作历史会很有趣,但这不是我有机会做的事情。In my efforts here I have been greatly assisted by Wolfram Institute fellows Richard Assar(“Ruliad Fellow”)and Nik Murzin(“Fourmilab Fellow”).I’m also grateful to the many people who I’ve talked to—or heard from—about AI in science(and related topics)in recent times,including Giulio Alessandrini,Mohammed AlQuraishi,Brian Frezza,Roger Germundsson,George Morgan,Michael Trott and Christopher Wolfram.在我的努力下,我得到了Wolfram研究所研究员Richard Assar(“Ruliad研究员”)和Nik Murzin(“Fourmilab研究员”)的大力协助。我还要感谢最近与我交谈过或听过有关科学人工智能(及相关主题)的许多人,包括Giulio Alessandrini、Mohammed AlQuraishi、Brian Frezza、Roger Germundsson、George Morgan、Michael Trott and Christopher Wolfram。
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