AI 可以在以下方面帮助到小企业创业者,尤其是跨境电商:
Catalyze AI research across the United States through a pilot of the National AI Research Resource—a tool that will provide AI researchers and students access to key AI resources and data—and expanded grants for AI research in vital areas like healthcare and climate change.Promote a fair,open,and competitive AI ecosystem by providing small developers and entrepreneurs access to technical assistance and resources,helping small businesses commercialize AI breakthroughs,and encouraging the Federal Trade Commission to exercise its authorities.Use existing authorities to expand the ability of highly skilled immigrants and nonimmigrants with expertise in critical areas to study,stay,and work in the United States by modernizing and streamlining visa criteria,interviews,and reviews.Advancing American Leadership AbroadAI’s challenges and opportunities are global.The Biden-Harris Administration will continue working with other nations to support safe,secure,and trustworthy deployment and use of AI worldwide.To that end,the President directs the following actions:Expand bilateral,multilateral,and multistakeholder engagements to collaborate on AI.The State Department,in collaboration,with the Commerce Department will lead an effort to establish robust international frameworks for harnessing AI’s benefits and managing its risks and ensuring safety.In addition,this week,Vice President Harris will speak at the UK Summit on AI Safety,hosted by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.Accelerate development and implementation of vital AI standards with international partners and in standards organizations,ensuring that the technology is safe,secure,trustworthy,and interoperable.Promote the safe,responsible,and rights-affirming development and deployment of AI abroad to solve global challenges,such as advancing sustainable development and mitigating dangers to critical infrastructure.Ensuring Responsible and Effective Government Use of AI
许多通用内容创建工具,如[Jasper](、[Copy](和[Writer](,在小型和中型企业(SMBs)中已经获得了显著的用户基础。但我们也开始看到为特定类型企业的工作流量身定制的垂直化工具。例如,[Harvey](和[Spellbook](等产品帮助法律团队自动化任务,如接待、研究和文件起草。在房地产行业,[Interior AI](使代理商能够虚拟布置他们的房产,而[Zuma](则帮助物业经理将潜在客户转化为预定的参观。在这个领域,电子商务已经成为最富成效的垂直行业之一。这些企业大多完全在线运营,这使得它们很容易将AI工具整合到他们的工作流程的许多部分中。在客户获取成本不断上升的世界中,品牌渴望尝试可能有助于他们降低成本、转化更多购物者并提高客户保留率的产品。