以下是一些可能用于生成完整三年报表分析的 AI 相关资源:
The proposal builds on 4 years of analysis and close involvement of stakeholders,including academics,businesses,consumer associations,Member States and citizens.The preparatory work started in 2018 with the setting up of the Expert Group on Liability and New Technologies(New Technologies Formation).The Expert Group produced a Report in November 201925 that assessed the challenges some characteristics of AI pose to national civil liability rules.The input from the Expert Group report was complemented by three additional external studies:–a comparative law study based on a comparative legal analysis of European tort laws focused on key AI-related issues26;–a behavioural economics study on the impacts of targeted adaptations of the liability regime on consumers’decision making,in particular their trust and willingness to take up AI-enabled products and services27;–an economic study28 covering a number of issues:the challenges faced by victims of AI applications compared to victims of non-AI devices when trying to obtain compensation for their loss;whether and to what extent businesses are uncertain about the application of current liability rules to their operations involving AI,and whether the impact of legal uncertainty can hamper investment in AI;whether further fragmentation of national liability laws would reduce the effectiveness of the internal market for AI applications and services,and whether and to what extent harmonising certain aspects of national civil liability via EU legislation would reduce these problems and facilitate the overall uptake of AI technology by EU companies.25 Liability for artificial intelligence and other emerging digital technologies,November 2019,https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/1c5e30be-1197-11ea-8c1f01aa75ed71a1/language-en
作者:郎瀚威Will,张蔚WeitoAGI,江志桐Clara 2024.5.3本产品保密并受到版权法保护Confidential and Protected by Copyright Lawsaiwatch.ai报告目录@FinanceYF5作者介绍及报告说明2总体流量概览10分类榜单18文字–个人生产力21文字–营销48文字–教育61文字–社交77创意–图像86创意–视频103音频大类119代码大类133Agent152B2B垂类158附件:重要榜单201作者介绍aiwatch.ai郎瀚威WillAI数据分析&出海社媒增长GPTDAO首席分析师数据准备,分类标准图谱准备张蔚WeitoAGI WaytoAGI创作者,某头部FAAI科技组。VX:WeitoAGI赛道辅助榜单评价分析、细分赛道变化分析江志桐Clara天际资本VC,AI软硬件应用公众号:天际科技投资赛道分析,竞争分析Top1分析公众号:郎瀚威Will公众号回复:2024一季度,可以获得本PDFaiwatch.ai报告写作目标和说明(1)的榜单,等等
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