以下是一些通过 AI 给自己擅长的领域赋能且已经产生收益的案例:
1.19.AI is already delivering major advances and efficiencies in many areas.AI quietly automates aspects of our everyday activities,from systems that monitor traffic to make our commutes smoother,17 to those that detect fraud in our bank accounts.18 AI has revolutionised large-scale safety-critical practices in industry,like controlling the process of nuclear fusion.19 And it has also been used to accelerate scientific advancements,such as the discovery of new medicine20 or the technologies we need to tackle climate change.212.20.But this is just the beginning.AI can be used in a huge variety of settings and has the extraordinary potential to transform our society and economy.22 It could have as much impact as electricity or the internet,and has been identified as one of five critical technologies in the UK Science and Technology Framework.23 As AI becomes more powerful,and as innovators explore new ways to use it,we will see more applications of AI emerge.As a result,AI has a huge potential to drive growth24 and create jobs.25 It will support people to carry out their existing jobs,by helping to improve workforce efficiency and workplace safety.26 To remain world leaders in AI,attract global talent and create high-skilled jobs in the UK,we must create a regulatory environment where such innovation can thrive.3.21.Technological advances like large language models(LLMs)are an indication of the transformative developments yet to come.27 LLMs provide substantial opportunities to transform the economy and society.For example,LLMs can automate the process of writing code and17 Transport apps like Google Maps,and CityMapper,use AI.18 Artificial Intelligence in Banking Industry:A Review on Fraud Detection,Credit Management,and Document Processing,ResearchBerg Review of Science and Technology,2018.19 Accelerating fusion science through learned plasma control,Deepmind,2022;Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning,Degrave et al.,2022.
Artificial intelligence(AI)will play a central part in delivering and enabling these goals,and this white paper will ensure we are putting the UK on course to be the best place in the world to build,test and use AI technology.But we are not starting from zero.Having invested over£2.5 billion in AI since 2014,this paper builds on our recent announcements of£110 million for our AI Tech Missions Fund,£900 million to establish a new AI Research Resource and to develop an exascale supercomputer capable of running large AI models–backed up by our new£8 million AI Global Talent Network and£117 million of existing funding to create hundreds of new PhDs for AI researchers.Most of us are only now beginning to understand the transformative potential of AI as the technology rapidly improves.But in many ways,AI is already delivering fantastic social and economic benefits for real people–from improving NHS medical care to making transport safer.Recent advances in things like generative AI give us a glimpse into the enormous opportunities that await us in the near future if we are prepared to lead the world in the AI sector with our values of transparency,accountability and innovation.My vision for an AI-enabled country is one where our NHS heroes are able to save lives using AI technologies that were unimaginable just a few decades ago.I want our police,transport networks and climate scientists and many more to be empowered by AI technologies that will make the UK the smartest,healthiest,safest and happiest place to live and work.That is why AI is one of this government’s five technologies of tomorrow bringing stronger growth,better jobs,and bold new discoveries.It is a vision that has been shaped by stakeholders and experts in AI,whose expertise and ideas I am determined to see reflected in our department.
原文链接:https://www.sequoiacap.com/article/ai-50-2024/发表时间:2024-4-11作者:Konstantine Buhler编译:Z Potentials去年,生成式AI从不引人注意的地方走到了AI 50强榜单的前列。今年,随着我们看到企业用户和消费者的AI生产力开始大幅提高,它成为前沿和中心。尽管2023年美国的大部分AI风投都流向了基础设施领域——其中60%流向了最大的大语言模型(LLM)提供商,但应用公司仍在AI 50强榜单中占据主导地位。与此同时,我们开始看到AI如何为公司赋能。如今,许多公司正将AI融入其工作流程,以此来快速达成KPI。我们看到大公司正通过将AI融入其产品的方式而获益。工作流程自动化平台ServiceNow通过AI驱动的Now Assist,实现了近20%的事件避免率。Palo Alto Networks利用AI降低了处理费用的成本。Hubspot利用AI扩大了能够支持的用户规模。瑞典金融科技公司Klarna最近宣布,通过将AI融入用户支持,他们在运行率方面节省了4000多万美元。现在,成千上万的公司正在将AI整合到他们的工作流程中,以扩张规模和降低成本。AI 50强企业正在快速进化。不远的将来,我们有望看到UX和UI围绕AI的功能进行重新设计。在更好、更廉价地复制现有功能之后,我们将开发全新的用户界面,以提供有价值的新体验。