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(3)USE OF FUNDS.—Financial assistance10awarded under paragraph(1)may be used by an In-11stitute for—12(A)managing and making available to re-13searchers accessible,curated,standardized,se-14cure,and privacy protected data sets from the15public and private sectors for the purposes of16training and testing artificial intelligence sys-17tems and for research using artificial intel-18ligence systems,pursuant to section 301(b)and19301(c);20(B)developing and managing testbeds for 21 artificial intelligence systems,including sector22 specific test beds,designed to enable users to 23 evaluate artificial intelligence systems prior to 24 deployment;25•HR 6216 IHVerDate Sep 11 2014 23:31 Mar 25,2020 Jkt 099200 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H6216.IH H6216pamtmann on DSKBC07HB2PROD with BILLS26(C)conducting research and education ac1 tivities involving artificial intelligence systems 2 to solve challenges with social,economic,health,3 scientific,and national security implications;4(D)providing or brokering access to com-5puting resources,networking,and data facilities6for artificial intelligence research and develop-7ment relevant to the Institute’s research goals;8(E)providing technical assistance to users,9including software engineering support,for arti-10ficial intelligence research and development rel-11evant to the Institute’s research goals;12(F)engaging in outreach and engagement13to broaden participation in artificial intelligence14research and workforce;and15(G)such other activities that an agency16head,whose agency’s missions contribute to or17are affected by artificial intelligence,considers18consistent with the purposes described in sec-19tion 101(a).20