要让 AI 生成您想要的颜色,可以参考以下几种方法:
|功能|OpenAI Prompt|Claude Prompt|贡献者||-|-|-|-||Grammar correction|You will be provided with statements,and your task is to convert them to standard English|Your task is to take the text provided and rewrite it into a clear,grammatically correct version while preserving the original meaning as closely as possible.Correct any spelling mistakes,punctuation errors,verb tense issues,word choice problems,and other grammatical mistakes.|卡尔||Airport code extractor|You will be provided with a text,and your task is to extract the airport codes from it.|Your task is to analyze the provided text and identify any airport codes mentioned within it.Present these airport codes as a list in the order they appear in the text.If no airport codes are found,return an empty list.|卡尔||Mood to color|You will be provided with a description of a mood,and your task is to generate the CSS code for a color that matches it.Write your output in json with a single key called"css_code".|Your task is to take the provided text description of a mood or emotion and generate a HEX color code that visually represents that mood.Use color psychology principles and common associations to determine the most appropriate color for the given mood.If the text description is unclear,ambiguous,or does not provide enough information to determine a suitable color,respond with"Unable to determine a HEX color code for the given mood."|卡尔|
[PMAI-产品经理的AI助手](https://www.pm-ai.cn/)[content]一个专门为PM开发的AI助手,用户可以使用这个工具生成产品需求文档(PRD)的原型图、解决方案流程图、时序图、页面结构图、测试用例等。还可以通过AI帮助生成数据字段、优化PRD文档、评估功能的价值、生成SQL代码和周报思路等。[heading2][content][Khroma-AI调色板生成](https://www.khroma.co/)[content]个性化算法→通过选择一组颜色,您将训练一个由神经网络驱动的算法,在浏览器中生成您喜欢的颜色并屏蔽您不喜欢的颜色。创建无限组合→Khroma从互联网上最受欢迎的数千个人工调色板中学习,以生成您可以以字体、渐变、调色板或自定义图像的形式查看的出色组合。[heading2][content][BlogtoPod:将文章转为播客](https://blogtopod.com/)[content]一个使用人工智能将博客文章转化为播客的工具。用户只需将博客文章复制粘贴到该工具中,几分钟内就能生成一个有声播客。该工具还提供了免费试用和多个价格层级选择。用户无需具备技术知识,可以轻松地将播客发布到Spotify等平台,吸引更多的听众。[heading2][NeuralBox AI图片收藏和检索](https://neural.cam/neuralbo[content]只需拍下一切吸引你的眼球或似乎有用的东西的照片。将从收据和截屏到文件、衣服和产品包装等一切都放入NeuralBox中。借助NeuralBox高效的存储和先进的人工智能搜索功能,你可以随心所欲地捕捉任何你想要的东西,并在需要时轻松找到它们。