以下是 AI 在教育领域的落地场景:
人工智能在教育领域的融入正不断地从理论走向实际应用,为传统的教学模式带来颠覆性的改变。在这一进程中,具体案例能够清晰地揭示AI如何实际影响教学和学习方式。以个性化学习平台为例,通过集成算法和大数据分析,这些平台可以实时跟踪学生的学习进度,诊断学习难点,提供个性化的学习建议和资源。如知名的Knewton平台,它利用数据分析来构建个性化的学习路径,使学生能够根据自己的节奏学习。在这个平台上,一个具体的数据示例是,通过对数百万学生的行为模式进行分析,它可以精准预测学生在学习过程中可能遇到的难点,并提前给出解决方案,从而大幅提升学习效率。除了个性化教学外,AI在自动评估领域也取得了显著进展。例如,通过自然语言处理技术(NLP),机器可以自动批改学生的作文和开放性答案题。Pearson的Intelligent Essay Assessor便是这样的一个工具,它能够分析和理解学生的写作内容,给出准确的评分和反馈。这项技术的应用,大大减轻了教师的批改负担,提高了评估的效率和一致性。智能辅助教学工具的推出,使得课堂教学变得更为丰富和互动。例如,AI教师能够引导学生通过对话进行学习,解答学生的疑问,并提供即时反馈。Google的AI教育工具AutoML被用于创建定制的学习内容,让学生能够通过有趣的方式加深对学科概念的理解。这种方式既提高了学习动机,又使知识掌握变得更为深刻。在虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)方面,AI技术也在不断推动边界。学生可以通过VR头盔进入一个虚拟的化学实验室,不仅安全地进行实验操作,还能够立即得到AI系统的反馈。例如,Labster的虚拟实验室平台,它提供了一系列的高科技实验室场景,学生可以在这些场景中亲自尝试复杂的实验流程,比如基因编辑或量子物理实验,而无需昂贵的实验设备或专业实验室环境。
Advance the responsible use of AI in healthcare and the development of affordable and life-saving drugs.The Department of Health and Human Services will also establish a safety program to receive reports of—and act to remedy – harms or unsafe healthcare practices involving AI.Shape AI’s potential to transform education by creating resources to support educators deploying AI-enabled educational tools,such as personalized tutoring in schools.Supporting WorkersAI is changing America’s jobs and workplaces,offering both the promise of improved productivity but also the dangers of increased workplace surveillance,bias,and job displacement.To mitigate these risks,support workers’ ability to bargain collectively,and invest in workforce training and development that is accessible to all,the President directs the following actions:Develop principles and best practices to mitigate the harms and maximize the benefits of AI for workers by addressing job displacement; labor standards; workplace equity,health,and safety; and data collection.These principles and best practices will benefit workers by providing guidance to prevent employers from undercompensating workers,evaluating job applications unfairly,or impinging on workers’ ability to organize.Produce a report on AI’s potential labor-market impacts,and study and identify options for strengthening federal support for workers facing labor disruptions,including from AI.Promoting Innovation and CompetitionAmerica already leads in AI innovation—more AI startups raised first-time capital in the United States last year than in the next seven countries combined.The Executive Order ensures that we continue to lead the way in innovation and competition through the following actions: