以下是关于让 AI 模仿自己风格的一些相关内容:
1.混合不同游戏风格引导Niji·journey 5生成角色设计既然我们可以让AI模仿一种游戏美术风格,那么混合两种游戏风格是否可行呢?当然也是可以的,这涉及了绘画AI的“风格迁移”能力,风格迁移的基本原理是利用深度学习模型提取并分离图像的内容和风格特征。这个过程涉及到两个关键步骤:特征提取和特征重组。AI可以通过风格迁移将两种或更多种不同的美术风格进行混合和重组。例如,我们可以做个实验,尝试混合原神和LOL的角色美术风格:Prompt:League of Legends and Genshin team work art style character concept art,many details,full body view,Front,back and side views,multiple views of the same character,a league of legends Fox ear Girl character design,wear an ultra detailed Genshin style armor with Metal shoulder armor,Genshin character design,beautiful linework,high contrast,alluring,flirtatious,frisky,massive scale,gradient,manga,hd,with exaggerated features and bold colors.The character design should be distinctive and unique,with attention to detail and a strong sense of personality,3 panels dynamic poses various angles,various angles,line art,black and white,white background产出结果看起来带有了两个游戏的一些美术风格特征,这是一个最简单的游戏风格混合Prompt例子,并未详细调整,实际上,我们可以通过对游戏风格Prompt的更精确调整来控制混合比例,你可以在Prompt中明确指定两个游戏风格及其所占的权重。例如,假设你要将游戏A和游戏B的风格混合,你可以在Prompt中加入以下描述:"Create a character concept art that combines the art styles of Game A and Game B,with a 70% influence from Game A and a 30% influence from Game B..."
So,let’s consider AI and writing.I’ve written an article about how AI might transform the essay and another article about AI and the future of writing.In it,I described how we might integrate AI into each part of the writing process.We will need to pick and choose how we use AI within each writing piece we create.We might start from a place where we are human-driven first and use AI to modify what we are doing.I write out my blog posts from scratch but I will use some auto-fill and some Grammarly feedback to improve it.I might even go to AI to help define a concept.But it is human-driven and AI informed.Our voice with a megaphone and then an arrow pointing to AI to modify it(with a brain that has AI-like nodes)Sometimes,though,I might want to start with an AI piece of writing that I then modify to make my own.Here’s an example of a time I began with AI and changed it to fit my voice.I began with a writing prompt of my own:From there,I had the AI create a response.Here’s what it came up with.Note that this isn’t bad but it is cliche.Parts of it feel derivative.But it also doesn’t fit my voice or personality.It’s too violent and even cynical.So,I modified it to make it my own.My parts are in bold.Take over the world.But maybe start out small.Perhaps an exoplanet?Or just take over Fresno.Yeah,start out small with Fresno and then go big.Steal the moon.I mean,not our moon,of course.I need the moon if I’m going to keep surfing.I’m thinking maybe Titan or Io?Perhaps Callisto?Nobody ever pays attention to Callisto.Create a shrink ray but one that only makes clothes shrink so that everyone in Fresno thinks they gained ten pounds overnight.
这部分其实挺简单的,就是加上一个简单的相机参数、写实风格,然后使用MJ v 6.0来绘图即可。甚至不加参数效果也不会太差。参数的设置,因为我们是想做成类抖音的小视频,所以我画成了9:16的比例,大家可以根据需求调整。我只是把上面的翻译内容直接放入MJ了,没使用太多的MJ提示词技巧,因为现在直接描述的情况下,MJ画图也还可以。只是后面增加了下面的参数。最后选择的图片如下:[heading3]四)图片裁剪[content]我直接使用了PS进行裁剪,大家可以选用自己顺手的工具进行裁剪哦~所选照片尽量选择可以一刀完整分割两个人的图片~[heading3]五)使用InsightFaceSwap处理图片[content]1.输入“/saveid” idname可以随便填写,记得住是哪张图就好。我们这边填写“child”,然后点击上传,选择原图。(单击回车↩︎发送)1.换脸操作输入“/swapid”,id = child然后上传我们分割好的图。(单击回车↩︎发送)3.选择一张,我们觉得像的然后继续(如果觉得效果不好,可以循环操作几次,但注意插件每日免费使用次数)1.得到的图相似程度差了点意思,其实这个插件对老外的脸识别度比较好~[heading3]六)拼接[content]重新利用PS把两张图片拼接回来。(只能说眉宇之间,比较相似~但是图片的整体看起来比较完整。)