以下是 AI 综合利用能够高效率做的一些事情:
[title]拜登签署的AI行政命令_2023.10.30AI can help government deliver better results for the American people.It can expand agencies’ capacity to regulate,govern,and disburse benefits,and it can cut costs and enhance the security of government systems.However,use of AI can pose risks,such as discrimination and unsafe decisions.To ensure the responsible government deployment of AI and modernize federal AI infrastructure,the President directs the following actions:Issue guidance for agencies’ use of AI,including clear standards to protect rights and safety,improve AI procurement,and strengthen AI deployment.Help agencies acquire specified AI products and services faster,more cheaply,and more effectively through more rapid and efficient contracting.Accelerate the rapid hiring of AI professionals as part of a government-wide AI talent surge led by the Office of Personnel Management,U.S.Digital Service,U.S.Digital Corps,and Presidential Innovation Fellowship.Agencies will provide AI training for employees at all levels in relevant fields.
is designed to achieve:oDrive growth and prosperity by making responsible innovation easier and reducingregulatory uncertainty.This will encourage investment in AI and support its adoptionthroughout the economy,creating jobs and helping us to do them more efficiently.To achieve this objective we must act quickly to remove existing barriers to innovationand prevent the emergence of new ones.This will allow AI companies to capitalise onearly development successes and achieve long term market
Kimi.ai4.说明:提供更多关于任务和要求的详细具体上下文信息。AI可以帮助教师节省时间和提⾼⽣产⼒的⼏种⽅法(备课)•个性化学习计划:分析学⽣表现并根据知识差距和个⼈学习⻛格创建定制的学习路径。•课程开发/学习沉浸:包括⽣成模型⽣成图像、⽂本和视频,转化为补充教育材料、作业和练习题。想象一下与⽜顿本⼈讨论⽜顿第三定律,或者在亚利桑那州⽴⼤学的VR实验室中学习⽣物学。•社会互动/沟通:与新的AI ⼯具(如⼝语形式的GPT-4o)结合学习,可以为学⽣提供更好的准备⼯具,以应对依赖⼝语/展示沟通的⾼等教育和职场环境。——“互联⽹⼥皇”Mary Meeker《AI & Universities》AI备课测试与优秀的⼈类教师相⽐仍有差距:缺乏课时设计,且教学⽬标设计缺乏合理的梯度。⼈机融合是⼤势所趋。AI的⾼效率与⼈类教师的经验相结合星火教师助手知网备课助手国家中小学平台1国家中小学平台2教学目标1.学生能理解并背诵课文,把握文章大意。