以下为您推荐一些与 AI 自动调色相关的内容:
[title]OpenAI2Claude转换器|功能|OpenAI Prompt|Claude Prompt|贡献者|<br>|-|-|-|-|<br>|Grammar correction|You will be provided with statements,and your task is to convert them to standard English|Your task is to take the text provided and rewrite it into a clear,grammatically correct version while preserving the original meaning as closely as possible.Correct any spelling mistakes,punctuation errors,verb tense issues,word choice problems,and other grammatical mistakes.|卡尔|<br>|Airport code extractor |You will be provided with a text,and your task is to extract the airport codes from it.|Your task is to analyze the provided text and identify any airport codes mentioned within it.Present these airport codes as a list in the order they appear in the text.If no airport codes are found,return an empty list.|卡尔|<br>|Mood to color |You will be provided with a description of a mood,and your task is to generate the CSS code for a color that matches it.Write your output in json with a single key called"css_code".|Your task is to take the provided text description of a mood or emotion and generate a HEX color code that visually represents that mood.Use color psychology principles and common associations to determine the most appropriate color for the given mood.If the text description is unclear,ambiguous,or does not provide enough information to determine a suitable color,respond with"Unable to determine a HEX color code for the given mood."|卡尔|
[title]【SD】用AI给老照片上色,岁月不改它模样但是仅仅这样是不够的,从渲染的结果上我发现,颜色并不是精准地出现在我们想要的位置上的,提示词之间会出现相互的污染。而且由于照片上斑驳的痕迹,即使是背景也不能够做到完全统一,看来事情并没有我想象的那么简单。为了做到颜色与内容的统一,我启用了之前讲到过的一款cutoff插件来进行控制,依次按顺序设置好颜色提示词,不了解这款插件的朋友可以参照我这篇文章——[【Stable Diffusion】告别提示词颜色污染!Cutoff插件](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzkzMzIwMDgxMQ==&mid=2247487436&idx=1&sn=dba5cf7a170223deda6a706fa2e14f6b&chksm=c2515908f526d01eae402083a7f93e4c5c7dca057693a25847bb8e97929c875617777cbb9721&scene=21#wechat_redirect)。终于得到了一张配色正确的照片,但是还没有完,由于以前的照片像素比较低,接下来我准备将它变得更高清一点。