(Text with EEA relevance)(36)Start-ups,small and medium-sized enterprises and companies from traditional sectorsoverreach.At the same time,a small number of very large companies have emergedwith considerable economic power in the digital economy through the accumulationand aggregation of vast volumes of data and the technological infrastructure formonetising them.These companies include undertakings that provide core platformservices controlling whole platform ecosystems in the digital economy and whomexisting or new market operators are unable to challenge or contest.The[Regulationon contestable and fair markets in the digital sector(Digital Markets Act)]aims toredress these inefficiencies and imbalances by allowing the Commission to designate aprovider as a “gatekeeper”,and imposes a number of obligations on such designatedgatekeepers,including a prohibition to combine certain data without consent,and anobligation to ensure effective rights to data portability under Article 20 of Regulation(EU)2016/679.Consistent with the[Regulation on contestable and fair markets in thedigital sector(Digital Markets Act)],and given the unrivalled ability of thesecompanies to acquire data,it would not be necessary to achieve the objective of thisRegulation,and would thus be disproportionate in relation to data holders madesubject to such obligations,to include such gatekeeper undertakings as beneficiaries ofthe data access right.This means that an undertaking providing core platform servicesthat has been designated as a gatekeeper cannot request or be granted access to users’data generated by the use of a product or related service or by a virtual assistant basedon the provisions of Chapter II of this Regulation.An undertaking providing core
{SEC(2022)81 final}-{SWD(2022)34 final}-{SWD(2022)35 final}ENENEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUMCONTEXTOFTHE PROPOSAL•Reasons for and objectives of the proposalThis explanatory memorandum accompanies the proposal for a Regulation on harmonisedrules on fair access to and use of data(Data Act).Data is a core component of the digital economy,and an essential resource to secure the greenand digital transitions.The volume of data generated by humans and machines has beenincreasing exponentially in recent years.Most data are unused however,or its value isconcentrated in the hands of relatively few large companies.Low trust,conflicting economicincentives and technological obstacles impede the full realisation of the potential of data-driven innovation.It is therefore crucial to unlock such potential by providing opportunitiesfor the reuse of data,as well as by removing barriers to the development of the European dataeconomy in compliance with European rules and fully respecting European values,and in linewith the mission to reduce the digital divide so that everyone benefits from these
第十三条 国家统筹发展和安全,坚持以数据开发利用和产业发展促进数据安全,以数据安全保障数据开发利用和产业发展。第十四条 国家实施大数据战略,推进数据基础设施建设,鼓励和支持数据在各行业、各领域的创新应用。省级以上人民政府应当将数字经济发展纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,并根据需要制定数字经济发展规划。第十五条 国家支持开发利用数据提升公共服务的智能化水平。提供智能化公共服务,应当充分考虑老年人、残疾人的需求,避免对老年人、残疾人的日常生活造成障碍。第十六条 国家支持数据开发利用和数据安全技术研究,鼓励数据开发利用和数据安全等领域的技术推广和商业创新,培育、发展数据开发利用和数据安全产品、产业体系。第十七条 国家推进数据开发利用技术和数据安全标准体系建设。国务院标准化行政主管部门和国务院有关部门根据各自的职责,组织制定并适时修订有关数据开发利用技术、产品和数据安全相关标准。国家支持企业、社会团体和教育、科研机构等参与标准制定。第十八条 国家促进数据安全检测评估、认证等服务的发展,支持数据安全检测评估、认证等专业机构依法开展服务活动。国家支持有关部门、行业组织、企业、教育和科研机构、有关专业机构等在数据安全风险评估、防范、处置等方面开展协作。第十九条 国家建立健全数据交易管理制度,规范数据交易行为,培育数据交易市场。第二十条 国家支持教育、科研机构和企业等开展数据开发利用技术和数据安全相关教育和培训,采取多种方式培养数据开发利用技术和数据安全专业人才,促进人才交流。