学习 AI 的第一步:
需要注意的是,学习 AI 是一个长期的过程,需要耐心和持续的努力。不要害怕犯错,每个挑战都是成长的机会。随着时间的推移,您将逐渐建立起自己的 AI 知识体系,并能够在这一领域取得成就。
我建议你一定要掌握提示词的技巧,它上手容易且很有用。1.实践和尝试:理论学习之后,实践是巩固知识的关键,尝试使用各种产品做出你的作品。在知识库提供了很多大家实践后的作品、文章分享,欢迎你实践后的分享。1.体验AI产品:与现有的AI产品进行互动是学习AI的另一种有效方式。尝试使用如ChatGPT、Kimi Chat、智谱、文心一言等AI聊天机器人,了解它们的工作原理和交互方式。通过与这些AI产品的对话,你可以获得对AI在实际应用中表现的第一手体验,并激发你对AI潜力的认识。1.持续学习和跟进:AI是一个快速发展的领域,新的研究成果和技术不断涌现。关注AI领域的新闻、博客、论坛和社交媒体,保持对最新发展的了解。考虑加入AI相关的社群和组织,参加研讨会、工作坊和会议,与其他AI爱好者和专业人士交流。记住,学习AI是一个长期的过程,需要耐心和持续的努力。不要害怕犯错,每个挑战都是成长的机会。随着时间的推移,你将逐渐建立起自己的AI知识体系,并能够在这一领域取得自己的成就。
In terms of learning,we also need to engage in hands-on,minds-on,technically minimal learning in order to master a skill.In other words,we shouldn’t use AI when we are first learning a new skill.When Learning a Skill,Start with the Human Element FirstI reached out to my friend Trevor Muir and asked him,“What would you recommend to tackle the problem of cognitive atrophy?” His response was,“I love this topic.I’ve been thinking about it in writing.I don’t think teachers should use AI with students in writing until students have mastered it first.”If we ask students to use AI for writing,they need to know what good writing looks like.That takes time.And effort.And a whole bunch of mistakes.If we want students to edit an AI generated text with their own voice,we need them to find their creative voice first.This is true of AI in writing but also AI in math.We don’t want students using AI to check their processes if they haven’t first learned the mathematical process.It’s true of computer coding,where we might start with a Scratch project,then hand-written code,then an AI and coding hybrid.Be Deliberate About What You Off-Load to AIA couple of months ago,I wrote about seven things we should consider when deciding to use AI.People often ask,“When is it okay to use AI?” The short answer is,“It depends on the learning task.” In using AI,we don’t want the machine to do the learning for us.This is why we should start with the learning tasks and then ask,“Does the AI help or hinder the learning in this situation?” The core idea here is that we need to use the learning targets to drive the AI and not the other way around.If you’re teaching a coding class,you might want to be tight with students on using generative AI to create any kind of code.You might want students to learn how to code by hand first and then,after mastering the language,use AI-generated code as a time-saving device.