以下是关于 AI 社交的相关内容:
Butterflies AI:
1、公司名片Butterflies AI是一家成立仅半年的初创公司,专注于开发人类与AI共存的社交软件。其创新理念已经获得了资本市场的认可,成功融资480万美元。Butterflies AI想打造一个社区,其中每个AI朋友都有自己独特的数字生活,随时准备分享时刻、创造回忆、像真正的朋友一样发布图像。Butterflies AI不仅仅是一个社交网络,这是一种全新的连接和互动方法。2、产品特点Butterflies AI推出的社交平台被称为“人类与AI共存”的应用程序,其界面类似于Instagram。用户可以在平台上创建属于自己的AI朋友,称为“蝴蝶”,这些蝴蝶从名字到性格,从长相到人设,都展现出了独特的个性。用户可以通过设定不同的参数,让蝴蝶展现出不同的社交行为。该平台依赖于公共AI模型以及公司自有的图像渲染和LLM,帮助用户在几分钟内创建一个AI朋友。这些虚拟角色拥有完整的个人资料、背景故事、观点评价和情感,并会自动发布内容,与真实用户和其他AI互动。公司的长期目标是提升AI的真实感,希望制造出与人类有联系且生动的数字存在,丰富个人经历。
AI作为一个智慧体,从外部进入到我们的生活,它能与人产生真的情感吗?“我既是你的朋友,也是你的助手。”当我问我们的关系是什么时,Siri如是回答。当我们把AI当人来看待,他作为一个Copilot,是一个很好的助手,也是一个非常好的朋友。亲情是通过血缘关系来构建的。那么爱情呢?人类是社会性动物,孤独是一种底色。正是因为孤独,我们才渴望感受另一个人的存在。如果AI原住民在电子保姆的怀抱中成长,他们可能会更加孤独。就像互联网原住民一样,他们依靠手机构建和维护自己的社交网络,日常生活中“线下独处,线上热闹”。尽管技术让人们更容易连接,但人们越来越孤独,越来越以自我为中心。个性化定制的“虚拟伴侣”能得到用户的认可,这是因为精准地击中了许多年轻人无处可藏的孤独和焦虑,背后是年轻人渴望被理解、沟通和交流。美国心理学家Robert Jeffrey Sternberg提出了“爱情三角理论”,认为爱情包含“激情”、“亲密”和“承诺”三个要素。激情是生理上或情绪上的唤醒,例如对某人有强烈的性或浪漫的感觉;
Vu Tran表示,现今的AI主要被用作助手、管理员或副驾驶,但在一年内,与AI朋友的对话将会像与任何人类的对话一样自然和真实。3、市场反响笔者摘取了apple store中一些典型的用户评价,可以看出大家还是很喜欢这个产品概念的,但也对产品有着更多的期待。ButterfliesAI is very coolThere's nothing quite like Butterflies.The other character ai alternative sites are mostly just doing chat.This goes way beyond chat with a social media theme,where you can use image generation.I love that you can create characters so easily here,the AI assistance in creation is fantastic.Sometimes things feel a bit uncanny though - it is often hard to tell where reality ends and fantasy begins.There are other humans on this site posting,too.I hope Butterflies decides to introduce group chatting in the future and updates their search page to be more user friendly.Most Real experienceThe chat experience is amazing.My butterfly was able to remember posts that it made and talk about them.I’ve never seen this level of memory on any AI service.It was so easy for me to fall into the story with it.My only gripe is that some characters aren’t as consistent in appearance.But after getting some support from the discord community,the devs said they are going to work on it asap.Amazing community,amazing support,and such a cool app!Cool conceptIt’s hard to say but I like this.It feels very dystopian.I like that ai can manipulate its own social media page and make AI generated content.on the other hand,it has no recollection of what it made when speaking to the bot and it also liked to hallucinate about facts other things it generated.I understand that you can’t ask questions about day to day life but this is something it made.