以下是对这三本与 AI 相关的电子书的总结:
《OpenAI 官方提示工程指南》:
Hello and welcome!你好,欢迎光临!Thanks for opening this ebook and your mind to the future ofmusic creation using text.With this book and a creative spirit,letyour imaginations come alive with artistic and specific promptingstrategies.This book is your backstage pass to the party of tomorrow,where words can sketch new songs,inspire new horizons of musicalgenres and render timeless works of sonic wizardry…感谢你打开这本电子书,并将你的心灵敞开,迎接用文字创造音乐的未来。通过这本书和你的创造力,让你的想象力随着艺术和具体的提示策略而活跃起来。这本书是你进入未来派对的后台通行证,在这里,文字可以勾勒出新的歌曲,启发新的音乐风格,并呈现出永恒的声音魔法作品……Think of this as your invite to team up with AI and make more musicthan you’ve ever imagined.We're talking beats that pulse with life,rhythms that make your soul wanna dance,and melodies that stick withyou like the best kind of earworm.把这本书看作是你与AI合作的邀请,共同创作比你曾经想象的更多的音乐。我们说的是充满生命力的节拍,让你的灵魂想要跳舞的节奏,以及像最佳的耳虫一样萦绕在你心中的旋律。We've put together this book because we know music isn't just aboutthe notes;it's about the vibe,the feeling,and the journey.It's foryou—the producers,the bedroom DJs,the shower singers turnedsongwriters,and everyone who's ever felt a beat and thought,"Yeah,Iwanna make that."
附录OpenAI Playground是什么,怎么用?[heading2]六个能提高输出质量的核心提示词策略[heSinceGPTs have a fixed context length,they cannot be used to summarize a text longer than the context length minus the length of the generated summary in a single query.To summarize a very long document such as a bookwe can use a sequence of queries to summarize each section of the document.Section summaries can be concatenated and summarized producing summaries of summaries.This process can proceed recursively until an entire document is summarized.If it’s necessary to use information about earlier sections in order tomake sense of later sections,then a further trick that can be useful is to include a running summary of the text that precedes any given point in the bookwhile summarizing content at that point.The e ectiveness of this procedure for summarizing books has been studied in previous research byOpenAI using variants ofGPT-3.GPT的上下文长度是固定的。这意味着:不能在单次对话中,总结出,长度超过“上下文长度减去生成摘要长度”,的文本。也就是说,如果要总结一篇非常长的文档,比如一本书。我们可以利用一系列的prompt来分别总结文档的每个章节。每个章节的摘要可以拼接在一起,然后再次进行总结,形成“摘要的摘要”。这个过程可以递归执行,直到整个文档被完整总结。如果需要依赖前面章节的信息来理解后面的章节,那么可以在总结某个点的内容时,包含上前情提要。OpenAI之前用GPT-3做过类似的研究,探讨了用这种逐步摘要方法做文本总结的有效性。摘要的摘要