以下是关于 AI 规则的相关内容:
You can add custom instructions to Cursor by modifying the Rules for AI section under Cursor Settings>General>Rules for AI.您可以通过修改Cursor Settings下的Rules for AI部分来向Cursor添加自定义指令>General>Rules for AI。This custom instruction will be included for features such as Cursor Chat and Ctrl/⌘K.此自定义说明将包含在Cursor Chat和Ctrl/⌘K等功能中。[heading3][heading3].cursorrules[content]For project-specific instructions,you can include the instructions in a.cursorrules file in the root of your project.对于特定于项目的说明,您可以将说明包含在项目根目录的.cursorrules文件中。As the same as the“Rules for AI”section,the instructions in the.cursorrules file will be included for features such as Cursor Chat and Ctrl/⌘K.与“AI规则”部分相同,.cursorrules文件中的说明将包含在Cursor Chat和Ctrl/⌘K等功能中。
14-06-2023-12:52Full ban on Artificial Intelligence(AI)for biometric surveillance,emotion recognition,predictive policing全面禁止人工智能(AI)用于生物识别监控、情绪识别、预测性警务Generative AI systems like ChatGPT must disclose that content was AI-generated ChatGPT等生成式人工智能系统必须披露内容是人工智能生成的AI systems used to influence voters in elections considered to be high-risk用于在被认为高风险的选举中影响选民的人工智能系统The rules aim to promote the uptake of human-centric and trustworthy AI and protect the health,safety,fundamental rights and democracy from its harmful effects.这些规则旨在促进以人为本、值得信赖的人工智能的应用,并保护健康、安全、基本权利和民主免受其有害影响。On Wednesday,the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the Artificial Intelligence(AI)Act with 499 votes in favour,28 against and 93 abstentions ahead of talks with EU member states on the final shape of the law.The rules would ensure that AI developed and used in Europe is fully in line with EU rights and values including human oversight,safety,privacy,transparency,non-discrimination and social and environmental wellbeing.周三,欧洲议会以499票赞成、28票反对、93票弃权的结果通过了人工智能(AI)法案的谈判立场,随后与欧盟成员国就该法案的最终形式进行了谈判。这些规则将确保欧洲开发和使用的人工智能完全符合欧盟的权利和价值观,包括人类监督、安全、隐私、透明度、非歧视以及社会和环境福祉。