此外,在 AI 绘图中,还需要考虑构图、色彩、光影等因素,选择合适的景别和构图方式,以创作出高质量的作品。
A hand drawn sketch note helps create the synaptic connections needed to move the information from short term to long term memory.You become a better conceptual thinker when you don’t use AI for note-taking.If we look at this diagram of information processing,we need students to get information into their long-term memory:information processing diagramResearch has demonstrated that students retain more information when they take notes by hand rather than typing them.Similarly,students become better observers in science when they sketch out what they see.This seems odd at first.Is a photo more efficient?Absolutely.Is a photo more accurate?Most definitely.Do scientists use photographs out in the field?You bet.Then why bother sketching?The act of drawing teaches students how to observe.We don’t want to short-circuit that process.I want to see students ideating with sticky notes and sketches and webs rather than asking the AI to develop a fully formed project plan.In terms of learning,we also need to engage in hands-on,minds-on,technically minimal learning in order to master a skill.In other words,we shouldn’t use AI when we are first learning a new skill.When Learning a Skill,Start with the Human Element FirstI reached out to my friend Trevor Muir and asked him,“What would you recommend to tackle the problem of cognitive atrophy?”His response was,“I love this topic.I’ve been thinking about it in writing.I don’t think teachers should use AI with students in writing until students have mastered it first.”
我们之前曾经讲到过如何生成商业级高清图片——[【Stable Diffusion】如何画出商用级别的高清大图](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3ODY0OTc1NQ==&mid=2247486230&idx=1&sn=dde16ebbd5078661c21835c94db554dc&chksm=9fbecbe2a8c942f48cfe40eaea15ff963db9b4fe1c9a8aed330ee718bcf6720e491fc9237a7e&scene=21#wechat_redirect)。比如我使用大模型“colorBoxModel”绘制的下面这张图,如果还希望它能更清晰一点,就可以使用SD放大。SD放大的原理就是利用分区的方式将图片切成多块,然后每一块分开渲染,最终合并成一张图。但是这样渲染有一个缺点,就是重绘幅度不能开得太大,开得太大的后果就是每一块分区里面都有可能生成新的人物。当我将重绘幅度调到1,放大刚才那张图片,结果就变成了这样,每一个分区之中都产生了新的绘画。通常情况下,使用SD放大,重绘幅度都设置在0.3以下。这时,我们使用tile模型,还是保持重绘幅度为1,放大1.5倍,进行绘图。由于重绘幅度的提高,画面的细节得到了非常大的加强,但是可以看到,在tile模型的加持下,如此高的重绘幅度并没有导致画面崩坏。当然在一般情况下,也不需要将重绘幅度刻意调这么高,因为太多的细节也会影响图片的观感。放大之后,拿来做手机壁纸也非常漂亮了。补齐草稿当我们有一张这样的草图的时候,我们可以利用Tile模型对它进一步细化。