以下是一些可用于生成商业计划书的 AI 工具和相关信息:
需要注意的是,这些内容由 AI 大模型生成,请仔细甄别。
以下是一些常用于营销领域的AI工具:1.SynthesiaSynthesia允许用户创建由AI生成的高质量视频,包括数字人视频。它提供多种定价计划,从免费到商业级不等,可用于制作营销视频、产品演示等。2.HeyGenHeyGen是一个基于云的AI视频制作平台,用户可从100多个AI头像库中选择,并通过输入文本生成数字人视频。适合制作营销视频和虚拟主持人等。3.Jasper AIJasper AI是一款人工智能写作助手,可用于生成营销文案、博客内容、电子邮件等。它提供多种语气和风格选择,写作质量较高。4.Copy.aiCopy.ai是一款AI营销文案生成工具,可快速生成广告文案、社交媒体帖子、电子邮件等营销内容。它有免费和付费两种计划。5.WritesonicWritesonic是一款AI写作助手,专注于营销内容创作,如博客文章、产品描述、视频脚本等。它提供多种语气和行业定制选项。更多的营销产品可以查看WaytoAGI网站:https://www.waytoagi.com/sites?tag=8总的来说,这些AI工具能够帮助营销人员高效创作各种营销内容,提高工作效率。用户可根据实际需求选择合适的工具。内容由AI大模型生成,请仔细甄别。
to AI regulationMarch 2023CP 815A pro-innovation approachto AI regulationPresented to Parliamentby the Secretary of State for Science,Innovation and Technologyby Command of His MajestyMarch 2023CP 815© Crown copyright 2023This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.To view this licence,visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3.Where we have identified any third-party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from thecopyright holders concerned.This publication is available at www.gov.uk/official-documents.Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at:evidence@officeforai.gov.ukISBN 978-1-5286-4009-1E02886733 03/23Printed on paper containing 40% recycled fibre content minimumPrinted in the UK by HH Associates Ltd.on behalf of the Controller of His Majesty’s Stationery OfficeCORRECTION SLIPTitle:A pro-innovation approach to AI regulationSession:2022−23CP 815ISBN:978-1-5286-4009-1Correction:Text currently reads in Annex C:2.What other transparency measures would be appropriate,if any?L3.If you work for a business that develops,uses,or sells AI,how do you currently manage AI riskincluding through the wider supply chain?How could government support effective AI-related riskmanagement?Foundation models and the regulatory frameworkF1.What specific challenges will foundation models such as large language models(LLMs)or open-source models pose for regulators trying to determine legal responsibility for AI outcomes?F2.Do you agree that measuring compute provides a potential tool that could be considered as part ofthe governance of foundation models?F3.Are there other approaches to governing foundation models that would be more effective?AI sandboxes and testbedsS1.To what extent would the sandbox models described in section 3.3.4 support innovation?