以下是为您整理的关于您所提到的“AI 私域运营”的相关内容:
AI春晚社群预计直接触达优质AI内容创作者500+,AI KOL200+,AI爱好者1000+||共创群|转播群|内容部|观众群|各平台粉丝|25年共创群|总计||-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-||类型|24年共创群|KOL群|KOL群|传播群|账号粉丝|25年共创群|合集触达||人数|441|229|74|1024(173+180+175+175+185+136)|总计10w+|206+200+203+36=609|111768|总计私域粉丝+用户量超过10w人,即活动起盘曝光超过10w人次。[heading3]2、平台合作曝光[content]去年AI春晚,0成本0预热0粉丝的情况下,达到18w直播在线的效果目前洽谈中的合作平台预计可给到价值3000w的资源位约等于6~8e的纯流量。在扣除艺人合作、专题活动、开屏、Banner等资源位的情况下结合春节+AI的热点话题,可达到1.5E曝光与百万级场观,预计效果可更上一层楼。[heading3]3、招商合作[content]WAIC美好奇妙世界大赛,初次即收获数十万商业合作费用,明年预计基本盘500w+;AI春晚有已经落地的案例,又有明确的创作主题,粗略预估招商规模可达500~1000w图1:论坛主持与发言;图2:WAIC组委会的感谢信;图3:抖音曝光:1750w;
explainability.AI systems should display levels of explainability that aredomains,we anticipate that developing joint guidance will be a priority forregulators.Rationalefor theprincipleIn certain circumstances,AI can have a significant impact on people’s lives,including insurance offers,credit scores,and recruitment outcomes.AI-enabled decisions with high impact outcomes should not be arbitrary andshould be justifiable.In order to ensure a proportionate and context-specific approach regulatorsshould be able to describe and illustrate what fairness means within theirsectors and domains,and consult with other regulators where multiple remitsare engaged by a specific use case.We expect that regulators’interpretations of fairness will include consideration of compliance withrelevant law and regulation,including:4)Relevant sector-specific fairness requirements,such as the FinancialConduct Authority(FCA)Handbook.PrincipleAccountability and governanceDefinitionandexplanationGovernance measures should be in place to ensure effective oversight of thesupply and use of AI systems,with clear lines of accountability establishedacross the AI life cycle.AI life cycle actors should take steps to consider,incorporate and adhere tothe principles and introduce measures necessary for the effectiveThe Data Protection and Digital Information(No.2)Bill reforms the UK’s data protection regime(Data Protection Act 2018and the UK GDPR).Guidance on vulnerability includes:FCA guidance on vulnerable consumers,FCA,2019; Consumer vulnerabilityprotections,Ofgem,2020; Vulnerable consumers,CMA,2018.A pro-innovation approach to AI regulationimplementation of the principles at all stages of the AI life cycle.Regulators will need to look for ways to ensure that clear expectations forregulatory compliance and good practice are placed on appropriate actors inthe AI supply chain,and may need to encourage the use of governance