一、编写 prompt 的一般建议
二、律师编写 prompt 的建议框架及格式 - CRISPE
三、头脑风暴常用的 20 个 prompt
希望以上内容能对您编写 prompt 有所帮助。请注意,内容由 AI 大模型生成,请仔细甄别。
律师如何写出好的Prompt1.什么是Prompt?Prompt指的是给人工智能(AI)系统提供的信息或者问题,用来引导AI产生特定的回答或者执行特定的任务。就像你在聊天时提出的问题一样,Prompt是启动对话或者引导对话方向的起点。对于AI来说,一个好的Prompt可以帮助它更准确地理解你的需求,并给出更相关、更有用的回答。简言之,Prompt就像是你对AI说的一句话,告诉它你想要它做什么。2.Prompt的建议框架及格式第一种:CRISPEC apacity and R ole(能力与角色)I nsight(洞察)S tatement(陈述)P ersonality(个性)E xperiment(举例)举例:Capacity and Role,你希望它的角色和能力:比如:你是一名专注于民商事法律领域的律师,擅长案例研究、法律条文检索以及案件策略分析。通过赋予AI这样的角色,我们能够更有效地利用它的数据处理和模式识别能力,从而提升律师的工作效率。Insight,提供背景信息和上下文:比如,处理一起复杂的合同纠纷案件,我们可以向AI提供案件的关键事实、相关法律以及案件涉及的背景。这样,AI在输出答案的时候,能提前理解案件的来龙去脉,为律师提供更精准的辅助。Statement,你希望AI做什么:比如:直接明确期望AI完成的任务是什么。以合同纠纷案件为例,我们可以要求AI总结此案件中双方的诉求、检索法条、预测可能的判决结果。Personality,你希望AI以什么风格或方式回答你:
ing Prompt:"Take on the perspective of a[user,customer,employee]and ideate about[topic]from their point of view.My aim is to find new ways to improve."12.Scenarios Prompt:"Imagine a best case scenario for[topic]:everything goes right.Now imagine a worst case scenario:everything goes wrong.Brainstorm ideas for each.” 13.Analogy Thinking Prompt:"[Topic]is like what?Identify an analogy,then brainstorm ideas based on properties of the analogy.Explain each idea that follows from this analogy.” 14.Idea Spurring Prompt:"Build on the following idea related to[topic]:[idea].What does it make you think of?Use it as a jumping off point for more ideas.” 15.Concept Fan Prompt:"Here is one idea related to[topic]:[idea].Fan out from this concept in different directions to generate related ideas.Explain each new idea in a few words.” 16.Evil Genius Prompt:"Pretend you're an evil genius plotting against[topic].How would you undermine it?Reverse engineer your evil plans into constructive ideas.” 17.Random Stimuli Prompt:"Use this random[object,quote,image,song]as inspiration for new ideas related to[topic].Make unlikely connections.” 18.Headline Writing Prompt:"Come up with[number]of creative headlines or slogans related to[topic]- turn them into full ideas.” 19.Brainstorming Journey Prompt:"Imagine you're on a journey related to[topic].Describe where you are,what you see,who you meet,what you're thinking - let the scenario spark ideas.” 20.Outside Perspectives Prompt:"Bring in different viewpoints to ideate on[topic]and get new perspectives.Develop these different points of view,explaining succinctly why they are relevant in each case."