以下是利用 AI 提高高中理科学生学习效率并制定对应学习计划的方法:
在这个快速变化的数字时代,职场不断演化,掌握学习方法和制定良好的学习计划都很重要。结合自身情况,如目前一般的英语水平及提高需求,利用 AI + SMART 原则能帮助快速构思出具体学习计划的方案,达到事半功倍的效果。
[title]【实战】⽤ AI +思维模型探索问题的全新解答[heading1]三、经典思维模型[heading2]六)⼩结[heading3]三、案例实践[heading4]一)利⽤ AI + SMART安排学习计划1、⾸先,询问⽤⼾的学习⽬标或需要解决的问题,不要回答其他内容。2、按照以下顺序向⽤⼾询问并收集以下信息:学习⽬标与个⼈或职业发展⽬标如何相关?具体想要学习的内容是什么?如何量化学习进度和成功?⽬标完成的时间框架是什么?⽬标是否现实可⾏?3、综合⽤⼾提供的信息,形成一个整体综述。根据收集的信息,制定详细的、分步骤的学习计划,包括每⽇和每周的学习内容和⽬标的学习计划(含学习⽬标、学习资源准备、学习计划)。3、实践1)GPT-4推荐使⽤GPT-4,效果更加稳定,内容质量更⾼。1、初始化提⽰词2、回复主要⽬标或问题3、回复SMART原则的每个问题4、得到整体计划2)⽂⼼ 4.0❗当然考虑到⽹络的问题,⼩伙伴不⽅便使⽤GPT-4的话,可以使⽤百度的⽂⼼ 4.0。⽂⼼ 4.0偶尔会不稳定,⼤家可以酌情使⽤。1、初始化提⽰词2、回复主要问题或⽬标
By contrast,if you’re teaching a health class where a student develops an app,you might not care if they use generative AI to help write the code.Instead,your focus is on helping students design a health campaign based on healthy habits.You might not have time to teach students to code by hand.You might not care about coding by hand.The app is merely a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of a health standard.If you’re teaching an art class,you might not want AI-generated images but you might embrace AI-generated images in a history class where students work on making infographics to demonstrate their understanding of macroeconomics principles.It might feel like cheating for a student in a film class to use AI for video editing but the AI-generated jump cuts might save loads of time in a science class where students demonstrate their learning in a video.In a film class,it’s critical for students to learn how to edit by hand in order to tell a story.In science,AI-generated jump cuts allow students to create videos quickly so they can focus on the science content.I also want to recognize that some of what students learn can and will become obsolete.I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually need to memorize the state capitols,for example.Which leads me to the next question...But What If We Don’t Need That Skill Anymore?I grew up in an era where teachers were moving away from memorization.We still had to memorize math facts and,for some reason,state capitols.I’ve never visited a state and thought,“Man,I really need to see the capitol.” If I’m Nevada,I’m not like,“Screw Vegas,I’m going to Carson City!”
[title]【实战】⽤ AI +思维模型探索问题的全新解答[heading1]三、经典思维模型[heading2]六)⼩结[heading3]三、案例实践[heading4]一)利⽤ AI + SMART安排学习计划1、需求在这个快速变化的数字时代,职场不再是一个静态的战场,⽽是一个不断演化的竞技场。每一天,新的技能和知识都在重塑我们的职业轨迹,⽽那些能够迅速适应并掌握这些变化的⼈,正悄然成为职场的领跑者。掌握学习⽅法固然重要,但是一个良好的可执⾏的,可落地的学习计划也⾮常重要。那我们怎么制定一个有⽬标、可量化、有期限的学习计划呢?结合我⾃⼰⽬前⽐较一般的英语⽔平,以及想要提⾼英语⽔平的需求。我们一起如何利⽤ AI + SMART原则帮助⾃⼰快速构思出制定具体学习计划的⽅案,让我们事半功倍!