AI 能够在一些工作场景中取代人类,例如:
不过,AI 无法完全取代需要人际交往、团队领导和复杂决策制定的角色。像云架构师、网络架构师和企业架构师等职位,不仅需要技术知识,更需要与人沟通、管理利益相关者和领导团队的能力。此外,企业领导者在利用 AI 提高工作效率的同时,仍需将更多精力投入到创新和战略规划上。
同时,知名投资机构 Nfx 在他们最新的《The AI Workforce is Here:The Rise of a New Labor Market》中提到,Sam Altman 经常提到 AGI 到来的定义之一就是 AI 能替代百分之七十的人类工作。现在 AI 正在强制逆转 SaaS 这个缩写的含义,从“软件即服务”转变为“服务即软件”,软件既能组织任务,也能执行任务,无需雇佣额外劳动力,传统的劳动力市场最终将和软件融合成为一个新市场。
这里最大的技术挑战之一,就是让AI自己实现分层规划:将多个目标、子目标还有执行能力,组织成一个可以向着单一目标持续前进的流程;然后AI还需要可靠的记忆来辅助目标完成,能准确调用实时的数据,例如组件或物流等等。我们前面提到的AutoGPT就是这种Agent的原型,然后微软的Copilot Studio,可以让企业设计内部数据处理与日常任务自动化的Agent;当然这些离Suleyman的现代版图灵测试还有很远的距离,但OpenAI预告过,他们的下一版本模型会极大提升推理和规划能力,也就是模型在内部实现Agent能力的自我增强,这是全自动化的关键,Sam Altman经常挂在嘴边的AGI到来的定义之一就是AI能替代百分之七十的人类工作。不久前,知名投资机构Nfx在他们最新的《[]([The AI Workforce is Here:The Rise of a New Labor Market](》中刚好分析了这个趋势。现在AI正在强制逆转SaaS这个缩写的含义,从“软件即服务”转变为“服务即软件”,软件既能组织任务,也能执行任务,你无需雇佣额外劳动力,它们是“内置”的,传统的劳动力市场最终将和软件融合成为一个新市场!
Google Maps is a fantastic tool.If I am visiting a city for the first time on vacation,I definitely prefer using an automated map rather than trying to pick up a physical map,sketch out my route,and memorize it.The problem was when I shifted into using Google Maps as my default.I should have gotten “lost” in Salem for a day or two.I should have ridden my bike around Wallace Marine Park,up through Riverfront,and into downtown.I should have paid close attention to landmarks and said,“The Home Depot is on the way to the I-5.” I didn’t do any of that.I figured I would simply learn my way around the city after using my map app long enough.In other words,I allowed the technology to be my default.So,let’s consider AI and writing.I’ve written an article about how AI might transform the essay and another article about AI and the future of writing.In it,I described how we might integrate AI into each part of the writing process.We will need to pick and choose how we use AI within each writing piece we create.We might start from a place where we are human-driven first and use AI to modify what we are doing.I write out my blog posts from scratch but I will use some auto-fill and some Grammarly feedback to improve it.I might even go to AI to help define a concept.But it is human-driven and AI informed.Our voice with a megaphone and then an arrow pointing to AI to modify it(with a brain that has AI-like nodes)Sometimes,though,I might want to start with an AI piece of writing that I then modify to make my own.Here’s an example of a time I began with AI and changed it to fit my voice.I began with a writing prompt of my own:From there,I had the AI create a response.Here’s what it came up with.Note that this isn’t bad but it is cliche.Parts of it feel derivative.But it also doesn’t fit my voice or personality.It’s too violent and even cynical.So,I modified it to make it my own.My parts are in bold.