AI 可以完成影视作品介绍的视频剪辑工作。以下是一般的流程:
需要注意的是,具体的操作步骤和所需工具可能会因项目的具体需求和个人偏好有所不同。此外,AI 工具的可用性和功能也可能会随时间而变化,建议直接访问上述提供的工具网址获取最新信息和使用指南。
1.小说内容分析:使用AI工具(如ChatGPT)分析小说内容,提取关键场景、角色和情节。1.生成角色与场景描述:根据小说内容,使用工具(如Stable Diffusion或Midjourney)生成角色和场景的视觉描述。1.图像生成:使用AI图像生成工具根据描述创建角色和场景的图像。1.视频脚本制作:将提取的关键点和生成的图像组合成视频脚本。1.音频制作:利用AI配音工具(如Adobe Firefly)将小说文本转换为语音,添加背景音乐和音效。1.视频编辑与合成:使用视频编辑软件(如Clipfly或VEED.IO)将图像、音频和文字合成为视频。1.后期处理:对生成的视频进行剪辑、添加特效和转场,以提高视频质量。1.审阅与调整:观看生成的视频,根据需要进行调整,比如重新编辑某些场景或调整音频。1.输出与分享:完成所有编辑后,输出最终视频,并在所需平台上分享。请注意,具体的操作步骤和所需工具可能会根据项目的具体需求和个人偏好有所不同。此外,AI工具的可用性和功能也可能会随时间而变化,建议直接访问上述提供的工具网址获取最新信息和使用指南。内容由AI大模型生成,请仔细甄别
By contrast,if you’re teaching a health class where a student develops an app,you might not care if they use generative AI to help write the code.Instead,your focus is on helping students design a health campaign based on healthy habits.You might not have time to teach students to code by hand.You might not care about coding by hand.The app is merely a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of a health standard.If you’re teaching an art class,you might not want AI-generated images but you might embrace AI-generated images in a history class where students work on making infographics to demonstrate their understanding of macroeconomics principles.It might feel like cheating for a student in a film class to use AI for video editing but the AI-generated jump cuts might save loads of time in a science class where students demonstrate their learning in a video.In a film class,it’s critical for students to learn how to edit by hand in order to tell a story.In science,AI-generated jump cuts allow students to create videos quickly so they can focus on the science content.I also want to recognize that some of what students learn can and will become obsolete.I’m pretty sure I didn’t actually need to memorize the state capitols,for example.Which leads me to the next question...But What If We Don’t Need That Skill Anymore?I grew up in an era where teachers were moving away from memorization.We still had to memorize math facts and,for some reason,state capitols.I’ve never visited a state and thought,“Man,I really need to see the capitol.” If I’m Nevada,I’m not like,“Screw Vegas,I’m going to Carson City!”
1.制片人(Producer)-AJ:负责影片的制作管理,包括团队组建、日程安排、信息收集、资料整理、各处岗位工作缺失时及时补上等2.图像创意(Visual Creativity)-??:负责用AI生成富有想象力的角色和场景等所有出现在视频中的画面,并为每个角色赋予人物小传3.视频制作(Video Production)-??:将做好的角色场景等图像素材进行AI图生文的工作,需要擅长运营工具的笔刷等控制工具,更好的契合剧本4.编剧(Screenwriter)--?:负责撰写剧本,包括故事情节、角色串联、人物台词等。5.配音和配乐(Dubbing,Film Scoring)--?:这里涉及到背景音乐、音效、角色配音、声音克隆,用各种声音类AI工具捏出来。6.剪辑师(Editor)--?:负责把后期剪辑,包括镜头选择、节奏控制和音效配合。1.你的作品来源,创作思路,使用工具,创作团队,生成难度或技巧等等,都可以聊。