以下是为您提供的关于将 AI 作为培训技术手段建立和制作港口企业各类人员培训课程的一些建议:
首先,参考相关法律法规,如《2020 年国家人工智能倡议法案》,其中提到要为人工智能研究和发展提供持续、一致和协调的支持,包括通过拨款、合作协议、测试平台以及获取数据和计算资源等方式。
(1)Sustained,consistent,and coordinated sup17 port for artificial intelligence research and develop18 ment through grants,cooperative agreements,19 testbeds,and access to data and computing re20 sources.21(2)Support for the development of voluntary 22 standards,best practices,and benchmarks for the 23 development and use of trustworthy artificial intel24 ligence systems.25•HR 6216 IHVerDate Sep 11 2014 23:31 Mar 25,2020 Jkt 099200 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H6216.IH H6216pamtmann on DSKBC07HB2PROD with BILLS8(3)Support for educational programs at all lev1 els,in both formal and informal learning environ2 ments,to prepare the American workforce and the 3 general public to be able to use and interact with ar4 tificial intelligence systems,as well as adapt to the 5 potentially transformative impact of artificial intel6 ligence on society and the economy.7(4)Support for interdisciplinary research,edu8 cation,and training programs for students and re9 searchers that promote learning in the methods and 10 systems used in artificial intelligence and foster 11 interdisciplinary perspectives and collaborations 12 among subject matter experts in relevant fields,in13 cluding computer science,mathematics,statistics,14 engineering,social sciences,psychology,behavioral 15 science,ethics,security,legal scholarship,and other 16 disciplines that will be necessary to advance artificial 17 intelligence research and development responsibly.18