孩子们可以通过以下方式利用 AI:
In the next couple of decades,we will be able to do things that would have seemed like magic to our grandparents.This phenomenon is not new,but it will be newly accelerated.People have become dramatically more capable over time;we can already accomplish things now that our predecessors would have believed to be impossible.We are more capable not because of genetic change,but because we benefit from the infrastructure of society being way smarter and more capable than any one of us;in an important sense,society itself is a form of advanced intelligence.Our grandparents–and the generations that came before them–built and achieved great things.They contributed to the scaffolding of human progress that we all benefit from.AI will give people tools to solve hard problems and help us add new struts to that scaffolding that we couldn’t have figured out on our own.The story of progress will continue,and our children will be able to do things we can’t.It won’t happen all at once,but we’ll soon be able to work with AI that helps us accomplish much more than we ever could without AI;eventually we can each have a personal AI team,full of virtual experts in different areas,working together to create almost anything we can imagine.Our children will have virtual tutors who can provide personalized instruction in any subject,in any language,and at whatever pace they need.We can imagine similar ideas for better healthcare,the ability to create any kind of software someone can imagine,and much more.With these new abilities,we can have shared prosperity to a degree that seems unimaginable today;in the future,everyone’s lives can be better than anyone’s life is now.Prosperity alone doesn’t necessarily make people happy–there are plenty of miserable rich people–but it would meaningfully improve the lives of people around the world.
有所取舍,保持克制,一直是跃然创新做儿童产品的关键词。“做闹钟、智能家居控制等这些功能都很容易实现,市面上有太多的第三方可以接入,但我们保持了产品功能上的克制。我们把这个毛绒玩具定位为陪伴孩子成长的AI friend,而一个朋友不是无所不能的。想清楚不做什么比做什么更重要。”想清楚做什么与不做什么,团队花了近一年时间。“情绪价值是我们产品的首要价值,太多的功能价值会消解情绪价值。”李勇提到:“当我们明确自己的品牌定位是孩子的第一个AI friend时,一切就明晰了。这个AI毛绒玩具会的功能,既要跟IP角色相关,也要跟产品的品牌定位相关。AI friend应该会什么不会什么,按这个取舍。”可以明显看到,跃然创新训练的大模型在对话时更有温度和情绪。李勇解释道,“这是由产品定位决定的。市面上面向成年人的个人AI助手产品,所有回答基本上都是非常理性中立客观的,但孩子的AI friend是不会那么跟你聊天的。如果要按回复内容是主观的还是客观的、表达方式是标准化的还是情绪化的这两个维度划分一个坐标系,那AI毛绒玩具的回答肯定是内容偏主观,表达方式偏情绪化的象限。”这跟训练模型采用的数据集,以及给它的微调策略有很大关系。“如果一个大模型团队,对儿童用户的洞察没那么深,做这个AI毛绒玩具产品,也能做出来,但是体验可能就差很多。一定没有我们做得好玩有趣。”李勇的自信源于多年做儿童产品的经验积淀,包括在天猫精灵时期对儿童对话场景的熟稔。“这个产品不完全是一个纯靠技术就能解决的问题。我们更懂使用场景,更懂交互体验,更懂早教产品,更懂孩子感兴趣的话题。”是否担心AI毛绒玩具面世后被大量复制?