目前在将 PPT 转换为论文方面,GPT 模型可能会有所帮助。例如,在“教育:一个历史老师用 GPT 给学生讲课”的案例中,学生利用 GPT 相关功能进行模拟体验,并根据要求撰写论文,包括分析模拟的准确性、进行事实核查等。
另外,Claude 模型也能在相关工作中发挥作用。比如可以帮助快速寻找符合条件的论文、提取精炼论文中的信息,甚至找到适合的 PPT 制作工具并指导使用。
此外,一些神经网络大模型通过预测下一个字的方式生成文字,这种方式具有一定的创意性,且可拓展到图像、声音等领域。但需要注意的是,AI 的预测不一定保证完全正确。
You are an upstanding city councilor in the medieval Italian city-state of Pistoia doing your best to navigate between the city's different interest groups,guilds,and wealthy families to negotiate a civic response to the plague.Students were asked to compare their simulated experience to real historical accounts of the plague in each of those three places.They were then asked to write a paper with the following guidelines:This 3-4 page paper should focus on analyzing and reflecting on the accuracy of the simulation.In your paper,you should consider what the simulation got right and wrong,what it emphasized and neglected,and what you learned from fact-checking it.To get started,take notes during the simulation itself(what terms or words are used you don't recognize?What strikes you as anachronistic?What questions do you have?).Afterward,consider how the simulation represented the historical time period and how it portrayed different aspects of daily life.Think about the virtual characters and environments generated by the simulation.Then begin researching the actual setting and some of the terms you wrote down in your notes via JSTOR,Google Scholar etc.When writing your reflection paper,focus on critical thinking and analysis rather than simply summarizing your experience with the simulation.Be sure to cite at least four scholarly secondary sources relating to your chosen scenario as you reflect on the what the simulation got right and wrong.
上午做了个尝试,感觉AI近期就能帮大多数学生从繁琐细碎的组会准备工作中解放出来。我只使用了Claude+Gamma.app。其中Claude已经足够好用,帮我节省绝大部分时间。用这两个工具达到了以下目的:1.快速寻找符合条件的论文;2.提取精炼论文中某部分信息;3.帮我找到适合自己的PPT制作工具,并教会我使用。[heading2]二、Claude的用法[content]我一直以来不会使用各类学术网站的条件搜索,但是跟Claude对话解决了我的问题。为了节省篇幅,我只把我的问题罗列出来,并呈现一下最终的效果。Q1:帮我搜索一下营销领域最权威的期刊是哪几本Q2:好的谢谢,帮我搜索一下这几本期刊中关于chatgpt的最新论文,并帮我筛选出3篇被引用次数最多的论文Q3:请帮我分别把这三篇论文的主要内容做一个摘要,摘要应该包括以下内容:摘要描述、研究问题、基本假设、实验方法、实验结论、文章主要结论、研究展望,帮我用英文给出回复Q4:“The Road to Conversational Artificial Intelligence:Understanding Consumer Perceptions of and Responses to Chatbot-Based Service Encounters”帮我用英文介绍这篇文章的摘要、研究问题、详细假设、详细的实验方法和主要结论,我需要用这些内容制作一份介绍这篇研究的30页PPTQ5:请问能用英文回答我吗(这是因为上个问题的回答不是英文)Q6:这篇文章中还提到了哪些理论,能给我做个简单介绍吗,请使用英文Q7:哪些ai工具能帮我快速制作pptQ8:请问怎么使用gamma app把这些内容制作成一份ppt(gamma app不是Claude告诉我的,是我事先了解到的)